- Investing in customer satisfaction with seamless online check- ins
- Automated guest services relieving pressures on front desk staff
- Prioritising fewer, higher quality staff interactions
- Empowering staff to work with technology that enhances, not overrides existing roles
- Is check-out ready to go digital?
Archives: Agenda
A Smooth Flight to Standardising Processes in Hotel Chains
- Identifying new tools needed for automating staff processes
- Achieving standardisation across all major global systems with a single cloud-based solution
- Incorporating “champion” representatives across properties during project development
- Uplifting team attitudes towards new systems
- Leveraging system data for the best outcomes across properties
Stream B: Elevating Guest Experiences: Streamlining Guest Touchpoints for Hassle-Free Check Ins
Chaired by Ryan Haynes, Director, Haynes MarComs
Stream A: Staff Operations: Ensuring a Smooth Onboarding Process
Chaired by Nicholas Wyatt, Head of R&A Travel and Tourism, GlobalData
Reserved for Threatspike Labs: The Dark Side of Online Bookings
- Dealing with info-stealers and phishing in the hospitality industry
- Raising awareness amongst customer facing employees
- Social engineering threats
Available for Sponsor: Click into the Future with Technology Driving Marketing & Website Innovation
- Marketing hurdles facing hoteliers
- Technology supporting marketing innovation and engagement
- From venue tours to reality: Upgrading online experiences through VR and AR
- Maintaining luxury with online presence
- AI-generation leaving its mark in visuals and texts creation
- Preparing for LCMS and CMS integration
Overcoming Barriers for Marketing Visibility
- Achieving organic SEO results in a paid world
- How will AI further impact search results?
- Customer Data Platforms vs alternative database solutions
- Building a strong digital presence with smaller budgets
- Introduction of EU regulations for search results transparency
- Multi-channel mastery: Stay ahead of the competition with marketing and meta search strategies
Design-Driven Destinations: How Portugal’s Hotels are Paving the Way for Time Capsules and Tech Marvels
- Invisible Innovations: Repurposing traditional architectural features with tech integration to serve the modern traveller
- Retrofitting to preserve timeless heritage and embrace the future of sustainable tourism
- Blending modernist aesthetics with historic charm through sustainable sourcing
- From Ruins to Riches: Disruptive tech-savvy transformations driving bookings with unforgettable guest experiences