11th Annual Global Dairy Innovation Strategies Conference

Devising Commercially Successful Strategies for the Dairy Industry

26 - 27


  • Bella Sky Copenhagen
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  • 26 Mar 2025
  • 27 Mar 2025
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Stream one

Stream A – Moo-ving Value in Dairy Portfolios

Stream two

Stream B – Growing with Hybrid Ventures

Stream three

Stream C - Adding Novel Innovation to the Mix

THEME 2 : Designing and Developing Complete Product Offerings

11:35 AM

Gut Health Keynote: The Next Biotic Innovation

  • Fascination with fermentation: Investing in technology of the future
  • Dairy’s role surging Gut Health market Evaluating research on plant-based fermentation
  • The missing piece: Post-biotic opportunities
  • Straining away from Lactobacillus to optimise health benefits
  • Justifying ROI risks with technology requirements and short shelf lives


José Pedro Silva
Head of Brand and Market Development - Beverages & Food, Lactogal Produtos Alimentares

12:05 PM

Tasting Session: The Next Big Flavour Infusion

  • Expanding flavour profiles across novel formats
  • Successes in kefir, ice cream, cheese and yoghurts
  • Natural flavour combinations ticking all the boxes
  • The turmeric powerhouse


12:20 PM

How Consumer Needs Shape Tomorrow’s Market

  • How can the industry adapt to meet diverse consumer needs?
  • Personalised nutrition for health-conscious consumers
  • Evidence vs hype: Investing in data-driven protein- rich and lactose-free innovations
  • Future-proofing dairy with convenience and sustainability


Dr. Kevin Deegan
VP Innovation, Valio

12:50 PM

Lunch & Networking Break

THEME 3: Optimising Production

Stream C – Harnessing Dairy-Tech

Chaired by William Blackett


William Blackett
Director of Consulting, GlobalData

2:50 PM

Digital Technology Enhancing Product Development

3:20 PM

Afternoon Networking Break

3:50 PM

Discussing Dairy-Tech Panel: Embracing Production Innovation for Cost-Effective and Productive Strategies

  • Evaluating the tech solution chain: Processing equipment, sensors, energy, chemical and water efficiency, UV potential
  • On-farm automation: Milking and monitoring
  • Fears of funding with long-term ROIs
  • Sustainable outcomes an added benefit
  • Quality management and food safety concerns resulting in resistance to innovation?


Søren Schønnemann
CEO, Factbird
William Blackett
Director of Consulting, GlobalData
Louis Raubenheimer
Head of Information Technology, Clover

4:30 PM

Reserved for Ambaflex

THEME 2 : Designing and Developing Complete Product Offerings

11:35 AM

Tasting Session: Inclusive Innovation: Blending the Best of Dairy and Plant-Rich Worlds

  • Catering to curious consumers with hybrid offerings
  • Breakthroughs in textures and tastes How cheese hybrids are tackling Co2 reduction and navigating tax hurdles
  • Holistic health potential with dual- nutritional benefits
  • Fence-hopping innovations: Is there space for entries in opposing categories?


Paul Cornillon
Co-Founder and Chief R&D Officer, PlanetDairy

12:05 PM

Filling the Price Bucket with Value-added Products

  • Increasing value propositions with fortified ingredients
  • Justifying price increases from the supply chain
  • Bringing the right offerings to the table for your consumers
  • The sinking mid-price point: Increasing shelf space for value and premium products


12:20 PM

Panel Discussion: Keeping Plant-Based Growth Alive

  • What is the data showing on plant- based consumption patterns?
  • Crop to shop: Nuts and grains gaining market share
  • Price checking raw materials and viable alternatives
  • Clean label and national regulatory barriers to plant-based fortification


Christopher Robertson
COO and Co- Founder, Sproud
Allison Chlebek
VP of Retail Sales, Táche Pistachio Milk
Christian Christensen
CEO, Dryk
Ilse Siekkinen
General Manager Nordics, Oatly
Katie Crichton
Global Strategic Account Director - Consumer, GlobalData

12:50 PM

Lunch & Networking Break

THEME 3: Optimising Production

Stream B – Filling Gaps in Packaging Lines

2:50 PM

Available for Sponsor: Scanning for Digital Labelling Opportunities

  • How can the dairy industry click into QR, AR, and Metaverse potential?
  • Utilising technology to extend packaging information
  • Creating mystery: Incorporating fun elements to engage consumers

3:20 PM

Afternoon Networking Break

3:50 PM

Panel Discussion: Materialising Sustainable Packaging Strategies

  • Digesting evolving green claims initiatives: PPWR & EXPR
  • How are producers strategising to comply with new requirements?
  • International market strategies shaped by recycling regulations
  • Feeding modern materials into eco-conscious and quality design
  • Pillow pouch recycling pressures for producers



Monica Battistella
Group Sustainability Manager, Taghleef Industries
Katie Crichton
Global Strategic Account Director - Consumer, GlobalData

4:30 PM

Reserved for Sealed Air


8 AM

Enrich Your Day: Registration & Breakfast Introductions (Sponsored by xx)/ Break the Ice Breakfast

8:50 AM

Chair’s Opening Remarks


Mark Dempsey
Senior Consulting Director –Consumer, Global

9 AM

Featured Sponsor Keynote Address: Kerry Group

9:15 AM

What are Today’s Drivers for Dairy Success?

  • Fast-moving trend cycles and widening product offerings
  • Expand or exit: Portfolio pressures to keep up with evolving demands
  • Investment insights: Where market leaders are putting their money
  • Three’s a crowd – or a charm?: Merging health, ESG & premiumisation


Mark Dempsey
Senior Consulting Director –Consumer, Global

THEME 1 : Demands Spinning the Dairy Globe

9:30 AM

Narrowing Down on the Need for Nutrition

  • Preventative health, wellness and active lifestyles: Growing priorities no producer can ignore
  • How dietary research is shaping consumers’ healthy eating habits, from early stages of life to graceful ageing
  • Audience Debate: What is the latest science saying about dairy vs plant-based diets?
  • Transparency in communication: Study sources, models and conclusions
  • Leveraging wholefood bioavailability in a supplement culture


Vince Lawson
CMO, Biotiful

9:50 AM

Dairy’s Green Revolution: Data-Driven Sustainability for a Better Future

  • Industry shifts pouring into the need for innovation
  • Challenges posed by the pressure of methane-reduction targets
  • Identifying impact: Transforming wasted energy into productive output
  • Leveraging AI and microbiome analytics for a sustainable win-win


Dr. Yaniv Altshuler
Founder and CEO, metha.ai

10:20 AM

Panel Discussion: Herding up Innovation Hotspots around the Globe

  • Emerging products and regional category growth
  • Understanding investment playbooks of major players
  • Say cheese: A snapshot of growing cheese exports
  • Dairing to invest: Making the move for early opportunities


Mike Bagshaw
Owner and Founder, I.T.S
Mark Dempsey
Senior Consulting Director –Consumer, Global
Anne Cathrine Whist
VP R&D, Director Product Development and Research, TINE
Vicky Davies
PhD, Global Marketing Director Performance, Active & Medical Nutrition, FrieslandCampina Ingredients
Petter Aagesen
Sales and Marketing Director, Thise Dairy

10:50 AM

Dragon’s Dairy-Den

Ten x 60-second pitches from industry solution and service providers

11:05 AM

Morning Networking Break

THEME 2 : Designing and Developing Complete Product Offerings

11:35 AM

Re-formulating for the Next Generation

  • Stirring up interest from health-conscious consumers with ingredient innovation
  • Bringing Gen Z into R&D: Incorporating consumer feedback in the process
  • Aligning with today’s preferences for full fat, low sugar, and high functionality
  • Protein superpower: An expectation or hydrolyzed bonus?
  • Millennial brands making a come back


Vicky Davies
PhD, Global Marketing Director Performance, Active & Medical Nutrition, FrieslandCampina Ingredients

12:05 PM

Available for Sponsor: Access to Dairy: Fresh Potential for Wider Ingredient Applications

  • Maximising functional benefits of dry dairy components: Whey permeates & peptides, casein, lactoferrin, fats and lactose
  • Widening cross-industry use cases and new formats
  • Business development opportunities in non-food applications
  • Technology enabling sustainable innovation


12:20 PM

From Clinical to Consumer: Research Feeding into NPD and Shaping Consumption

  • Milking the dairy cow: Expanding potential with new research highlighting beneficial nutrients
  • Propping up the dairy category in the functional foods space
  • De-bunking dairy myths with the latest evidence
  • Controlled Clinical Trial: The long-term effect of daily Jarlsberg Cheese intake in patients with Osteopenia


Anne Cathrine Whist
VP R&D, Director Product Development and Research, TINE
Helge Lundberg
Medical Director, Meddoc Research

12:50 PM

Lunch & Networking Break

THEME 3: Optimising Production

1:50 PM

Oxford-Style Debate: Unpacking the Science Behind UPFs

  • The latest research on Ultra Processed Foods
  • Cause or correlation? What does the evidence say on health implications and nuances across
    different UPFs
  • Bioavailability breakdown: Implications of processing on nutrient profiles
  • Consumer perceptions of UPFs shaping their diets


John Athanatos
Global Head Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Nutrition, Nestle

2:20 PM

Case Study: How is the UPF Uproar Affecting Production?

  • Governments slowing the conveyer belt for the Ultra Processed Food industry
  • Educating the herd: The role the industry plays in consumer understanding
  • Fencing off ingredients and processes: A realistic goal for producers? Back to basics: Retaining nutrient profiles with minimal processing
  • Exploring commercially viable opportunities


Betty van Esch
Senior Scientist Immunology, Danone Nutricia Research

Stream A – Pouring into Quality Product

Chaired by Mark Dempsey


Mark Dempsey
Senior Consulting Director –Consumer, Global

2:50 PM

Reserved for Veolia

3:20 PM

Afternoon Networking Break

3:50 PM

Panel Discussion: Opening the Gate to a Greener Future: Sustainable Farm Development

  • From grass to glass: Zooming in on regional and industrial Co2 emission distribution
  • Utilizing un-grazed green spaces across borders
  • Financial support enabling new construction, cattle, and innovative tech
  • Barriers to farmer-producer relationships for green initiatives
  • Watering the seeds of regenerative agriculture: How is the industry tracking growth?
  • Bovaer® backlash: Should producers be concerned about consumer dairy strikes against methane blockers?
  • What can the industry learn from impacts of climate change on consumption trends?


Paul Tompkins
National Dairy Board Chairman, NFU
Bryce Cunningham
Founder, Mossgiel Farm
Mark Dempsey
Senior Consulting Director –Consumer, Global
Christian Enzinger
Sustainability Manager,Ehrmann

4:30 PM

Reserved for Niclas Pörtner, Project Manager, Envirochemie


Niclas Pörtner
Project Manager, Envirochemie

4:45 PM

Closing Keynote Case Study: Grab and Go: All-in-One Convenience

  • Rising popularity of on-the-go formats for busy lifestyles
  • Pouring into small packs & lunchboxes, long shelf lives and appealing flavours
  • The full nutrition package: Delivering on protein, fibre, fats and vitamins
  • Racing to appeal to sports and active nutrition demographics
  • Keeping a lid on flavour and texture hurdles


Sarah Smart
CEO, The Collective

5:05 PM

Chair’s Final Remarks

5:15 PM

Drinks Reception Introduction: Milk is Good for You! Packing it Safe in PET

Networking Drinks Sponsored by Resilux

6:30 PM

After Party (Sponsored by I.T.S)


Stream one

Stream A - Trending in Trade

Stream two

Stream B - Grazing Evolving Dairylands


2 PM

The PPWR is Coming – Get prepared with Smart Reusable Packaging

  • How will businesses stay ahead of dairy supply chain changes?
  • A pathway to sustainability and efficiency: From reducing waste, to enabling trackable assets with smart IoT solutions
  • Turning compliance into a competitive advantage


Britta Wyss Bisang
VP Sustainability and Strategic Marketing Communications, Schoeller Allibert

2:30 PM

Fireside Chat: On the Frontlines: Supporting Dairy Farmers for the Long Haul

  • Rising financial and taxation pressures stopping farmers in their tracks
  • Disappearing price-ups: Cost hikes in supply chains not reaching farmers pockets
  • Legal developments hoping to keep farmers on the land
  • Audience Discussion: How can dairy producers help create healthier farming environments?


Bryce Cunningham
Founder, Mossgiel Farm
Mark Dempsey
Senior Consulting Director –Consumer, Global

3 PM

Spotlight – Export/ Import

Reserved for RR Consulting


8 AM

Enrich Your Day: Registration & Breakfast Introductions (Sponsored by xx)/ Break the Ice Breakfast

8:50 AM

Chair’s Opening Remarks


Martina Müller
MD Southwest Europe, FrieslandCampina

THEME 4 : Positioning Brands with Purpose

9 AM

Opening Keynote: User-Generated Content Bringing Dairy to the FYP

  • Cottage cheese obsessions, butter boards, and Greek yoghurt dough: Viral recipes riding on dairy
  • Centred in nutrition: Trends fuelled by health and wellbeing
  • Getting the message across with digestible content
  • Do views translate into sales?
  • How brands are leveraging viral videos to capture new audiences


Joseph Rotondo
Founder & CEO, Smearcase

9:30 AM

Rebranding Dairy for Young Generations

  • Transforming tradition: Bringing a fresh approach to mature brands to appeal to modern tastes
  • Relating to consumers with humourous marketing
  • Optimizing reach with limited editions and flavours

Reserved for Cargill

10 AM

Audience Interaction Panel: Milky Waters: Navigating Consumer Communication

  • Think before you click: Product health and sustainability claims across social media platforms, digital and
    billboard advertising
  • The future of regulatory landscapes in the EU, Nordics and UK
  • Filtering through regulatory developments in marketing to children
  • Functional in the spotlight: Highlighting competitive edge to shape buying decisions
  • The UK Junk Food Ad Ban: The future of advertising for ice cream, yoghurts and more
  • An industry clamp-down on fear mongering influencers
  • Fighting misinformation: What role do producers have in in ringing the bell on misinformation and
    deciphering US-EU disparities?


José Pedro Silva
Head of Brand and Market Development - Beverages & Food, Lactogal Produtos Alimentares
Martina Müller
MD Southwest Europe, FrieslandCampina
Donna Casement
Regulatory Affairs Manager UK, Republic of Ireland & Nordics, Bel UK

10:30 AM

Reserved for SIG

11 AM

Morning Networking Break

11:20 AM

Industry Interaction Roundtables

2 x 40-minute discussions on a topic of your choice. Attendees can attend up to 2 roundtables led by peers but open to all.


Is Flavour Colour Blind?: How Visual Senses Affect Taste

How Can Sustainable Food Colours Enhance Product Appeal?

Meeting consumer demand for eco-friendly clean label options, with fruit, vegetable, and plant derivatives capturing attention through visual impact.

Colette Jermann, Food Scientist, EXBERRY®

Jazz Minhas, Technical Sales Manager, EXBERRY®

Transforming Non-Dairy Beverages with Unlimited Innovation

Enzymes are at the heart of food and beverage innovation, with specialty solutions showcased in non-dairy clean label barista drinks, no-sugar drinks, and more.

Scaling Food Systems with Unique Production Technology

Supporting flexible production across dairy, plant-based, and hybrid portfolios, with technology scaling ingredient innovation to meet the demands of consumers, the planet, and a competitive dairy landscape.

12:40 PM

Networking Lunch


1:40 PM

Moving Fence Posts in Export Strategies

  • Leading the way in emerging markets: Key players importing to the Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific
  • Assessing market maturity, affordability and product demand worldwide
  • Opportunities for brand extension in early stages of innovation
  • High-potential countries with strong avenues for growth and leading players
  • Paths to feeding nutrition into less developed markets


Artis Celmins
Head of Export Sales, Food Union

2 PM

Turning Consumer Trends into Successful Business Opportunities

  • Valio’s success in bringing niche nutrition to the mainstream
  • Innovative dairy solutions for growing health focus
  • Valio’s Vision: meeting modern consumers' demand for versatile nutrition


Katriina Leigh
Customer Development Manager, Valio

2:30 PM

Panel Discussion: Serving the Future with New Growth Channels in Trade

  • Listings opening across food service, specialist retail, and D2C
  • Lactose-free demand: Growing opportunities in hospitality and retail
  • Seasonal sips: Iced and hot beverages making the menu year-on-year
  • One-up on health: Providing alternatives to carbonated soft drinks in leisure outlets
  • Cultural menu inclusions for dairy in ethnic cuisine
  • Private label competition with value range protein
  • The rise of GLP-1 Support Menus


Christopher Robertson
COO and Co- Founder, Sproud
Martina Müller
MD Southwest Europe, FrieslandCampina
Joseph Rotondo
Founder & CEO, Smearcase

3 PM

Spotlight – Distribution in Trade

Reserved for AAK AB

3:15 PM

Afternoon Networking Break & PRIZE DRAW

THEME 6 : Farming a Healthy Future for the People, Industry and Planet

3:35 PM

Panel Discussion: Keeping the Industry Churning in Tense Geopolitical Landscapes

  • Regulatory roadblocks: How are changing regulations like the EUDR and CSR putting the
    brakes on progress?
  • How will governmental decisions on agriculture, tax, investment freedom, and trade
    impact the dairy and alternative proteins industries?
  • Industry action: Learnings from players’ leading initiatives
  • Where will EU and Nordic Dairy fit in the global market?


Martina Müller
MD Southwest Europe, FrieslandCampina
John Athanatos
Global Head Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Nutrition, Nestle
Mary Ledman
Global Dairy Strategist, Rabobank

4:05 PM

Closing with Collaboration Workshops: Cross-Industry Partnerships Innovating for a Healthy Future

  • From research to retail: What collaboration is making a difference and what’s next?
  • Academic institutes and organisations driving insights for sustainable futures
  • Sharing start-up innovations for wider industry adoption
  • Supporting communities with powerful industry partnerships

Exploring Applications for Heat-Resistant Probiotic and Lactose-Free Properties of Enzymes

Prof. Patrizia Contursi, Associate Professor of Biochemistry, University of Naples Federico II 

Acting on Precision Fermentation Potential: The Next Steps for Industry Applications and Learnings for Traditional Dairy

Julia Keppler, Associate Professor Functionality-Driven Protein Processing, Wageningen University & Research

Kasper Hettinga, Professor Dairy Processing & Functionality, Wageningen University & Research


Prof. Patrizia Contursi
Associate Professor of Biochemistry, University of Naples Federico II
Julia Keppler
Associate Professor Functionality-Driven Protein Processing, Wageningen University& Research
Kasper Hettinga
Professor Dairy Processing &Functionality, Wageningen University & Research

4:35 PM

Chair’s Final Remarks

4:45 PM

Close of Conference

3:30 PM

THEME 6 : Farming a Healthy Future for the People, Industry and Planet


Select a speaker to learn more

Sarah Smart
CEO, The Collective

Session Details:

Closing Keynote Case Study: Grab and Go: All-in-One Convenience

2025-03-26, 4:45 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
John Athanatos
Global Head Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Nutrition, Nestle

Session Details:

Oxford-Style Debate: Unpacking the Science Behind UPFs

2025-03-26, 1:50 PM

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Keeping the Industry Churning in Tense Geopolitical Landscapes

2025-03-27, 3:35 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Martina Müller
MD Southwest Europe, FrieslandCampina

Martina Müller is a dedicated professional with over 20 years of experience in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry, including companies like Mondelez International and Pepsico. For the past 10 years, she has specialized in the Dairy industry, building a wealth of knowledge in marketing, sales, and general management.

Martina has relevant experience in both B2C and B2B markets, with a keen interest in forging strategic partnerships to overcome market challenges and drive results. Her hands-on approach and practical insights have made her a respected leader in her field.

As co-chair of the upcoming Dairy Innovation conference, Martina is excited to share her experiences and learn from other industry leaders. She's passionate about driving innovation and collaboration in the Dairy sector and is always looking for new ways to push the boundaries of what's possible.

Session Details:

Audience Interaction Panel: Milky Waters: Navigating Consumer Communication

2025-03-27, 10:00 AM

Session Details:

Chair’s Opening Remarks

2025-03-27, 8:50 AM

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Serving the Future with New Growth Channels in Trade

2025-03-27, 2:30 PM

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Keeping the Industry Churning in Tense Geopolitical Landscapes

2025-03-27, 3:35 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Vince Lawson
CMO, Biotiful

Session Details:

Narrowing Down on the Need for Nutrition

2025-03-26, 9:30 AM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Dr. Kevin Deegan
VP Innovation, Valio

Dr. Kevin Deegan is Vice President, Innovation in Valio, Finland’s largest food company and food exporter. He holds undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from University College Cork, Ireland and a PhD in Sensory Science from the University of Helsinki, Finland. He has led the development of consumer insight and research in both Valio and on the executive board of the Finnish food company Saarioinen. His passion lies in unlocking and interpreting consumer behaviour as a driver for consumer-centric business development and innovation in international markets.

Kevin is a board member of the Irish Business Club of Finland, an advisory board member of the Innovation Practitioners Community of Finland and a member of the Enterprise Ireland Nordics Advisory Panel.

Session Details:

How Consumer Needs Shape Tomorrow’s Market

2025-03-26, 12:20 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Anne Cathrine Whist
VP R&D, Director Product Development and Research, TINE

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Herding up Innovation Hotspots around the Globe

2025-03-26, 10:20 AM

Session Details:

From Clinical to Consumer: Research Feeding into NPD and Shaping Consumption

2025-03-26, 12:20 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Artis Celmins
Head of Export Sales, Food Union

Artis Celmiņš is a results-driven export sales professional with extensive experience in market expansion, distributor management, and private label development, currently Head of Export Sales at Food Union. With over a decade in international trade, he has successfully executed growth strategies, optimized sales processes, and built strong partnerships across global markets.

As Head of Export Sales at Food Union Latvia, Artis plays a pivotal role in overseeing international sales operations, spearheading marketing initiatives, and identifying new market opportunities. His expertise in international project management has been instrumental in strengthening the company’s global footprint.

With a deep understanding of international trade, certifications, and customs regulations, Artis excels at identifying emerging business opportunities and executing high-impact market entry strategies. His strong background in sales, logistics, and brand positioning makes him a valuable asset in the global food and beverage industry. Known for his strategic mindset, leadership, and negotiation skills, Artis is committed to driving sustainable business growth and expanding international market reach.

Session Details:

Moving Fence Posts in Export Strategies

2025-03-27, 1:40 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
José Pedro Silva
Head of Brand and Market Development - Beverages & Food, Lactogal Produtos Alimentares

With over a decade of experience in Consumer-Packaged Goods (CPG) marketing and brand strategy, José Pedro combines expertise in managing iconic brands with a forward-thinking approach to market development. Currently serving as Head of Brand and Market Development at Lactogal, the largest Iberian dairy group, he leads the growth of key brands, including Matinal, Portugal’s premium dairy brand, which, through innovation and consumer-centric solutions, has elevated the Lactose-free segment, driving value in a competitive market. Previously, as Senior Brand Manager for Mimosa, Portugal’s largest CPG and dairy brand, José Pedro spearheaded its rebranding and strategic repositioning to ensure its relevance in the future. A Mathematics graduate with a postgraduate degree in Branding, José Pedro is currently pursuing a PhD in Marketing and Strategy, alongside an MBA. As an educator, he shares his knowledge through university-level courses on Marketing Management and Brand Strategy, inspiring the next generation of marketers.

Passionate about the role of consumers in shaping markets, José Pedro champions brands as active contributors to market evolution. He advocates for combating the commoditization of consumption by delivering perceived value, enhancing consumer lives through meaningful brand experiences. His work exemplifies the transformative power of strategic marketing to build enduring brands that lead and inspire.

Session Details:

Audience Interaction Panel: Milky Waters: Navigating Consumer Communication

2025-03-27, 10:00 AM

Session Details:

Gut Health Keynote: The Next Biotic Innovation

2025-03-26, 11:35 AM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Paul Tompkins
National Dairy Board Chairman, NFU

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Opening the Gate to a Greener Future: Sustainable Farm Development

2025-03-26, 3:50 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Joseph Rotondo
Founder & CEO, Smearcase

Joe Rotondo is the Founder of Smearcase, the first-ever high-protein frozen cottage cheese, “FroCo.” Based in NYC, Smearcase is redefining the dairy aisle by turning cottage cheese into a crave-worthy, protein-packed dessert. As a pioneer in the category, Joe is leading the charge in innovation, proving that cottage cheese isn’t just back—it’s the future of indulgence.

Session Details:

Opening Keynote: User-Generated Content Bringing Dairy to the FYP

2025-03-27, 9:00 AM

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Serving the Future with New Growth Channels in Trade

2025-03-27, 2:30 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Donna Casement
Regulatory Affairs Manager UK, Republic of Ireland & Nordics, Bel UK

Session Details:

Audience Interaction Panel: Milky Waters: Navigating Consumer Communication

2025-03-27, 10:00 AM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Mary Ledman
Global Dairy Strategist, Rabobank

As Rabobank’s Dairy Strategist, Mary Ledman leads a team of analysts around the globe and is tasked with analyzing developments in the regional and global dairy markets, developing the bank’s medium-term dairy forecasts and advising the bank on its engagement with the dairy industry.

Mary has a Master of Science degree in Agricultural Economics from Texas A&M University. In addition, she received Fulbright Scholarship to conduct comparative research on U.S. and European dairy policies at the University of Goettingen, Germany.


Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Keeping the Industry Churning in Tense Geopolitical Landscapes

2025-03-27, 3:35 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Bryce Cunningham
Founder, Mossgiel Farm

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Opening the Gate to a Greener Future: Sustainable Farm Development

2025-03-26, 3:50 PM

Session Details:

Fireside Chat: On the Frontlines: Supporting Dairy Farmers for the Long Haul

2025-03-27, 2:30 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Paul Cornillon
Co-Founder and Chief R&D Officer, PlanetDairy

Paul is an executive R&D leader with 30+ years of experience working with science and technology to drive innovation in the market place. He has strong technical expertise in food and dairy in particular as well a deep understanding of the structure-function relationship of ingredients and their interactions in food. His expertise was acquired when in positions both in academia as a post-doc (UC Davis) and a professor (Purdue University), and in industry through various R&D leadership roles in global food companies (Danone, Arla Foods, General Mills), ingredients and blends manufacturers (Tate & Lyle), and equipment manufacturers (Foss). In 2022, he co-founded PlanetDairy ApS, a startup that develops and commercializes sustainable dairy products to consumers that do not compromise on taste, functionality, and nutrition whilst priced fairly and with reduced CO2e footprint. He is also consulting for other startups to help them navigate their innovation challenges and opportunities. He is a board member of the Food & Bio Cluster Denmark which is one of the leading innovation clusters in Europe in food and biosolutions. Paul holds a MS and PhD in Chemical Engineering.

Session Details:

Tasting Session: Inclusive Innovation: Blending the Best of Dairy and Plant-Rich Worlds

2025-03-26, 11:35 AM

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Next speaker
Louis Raubenheimer
Head of Information Technology, Clover

Session Details:

Discussing Dairy-Tech Panel: Embracing Production Innovation for Cost-Effective and Productive Strategies

2025-03-26, 3:50 PM

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Next speaker
Christopher Robertson
COO and Co- Founder, Sproud

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Serving the Future with New Growth Channels in Trade

2025-03-27, 2:30 PM

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Keeping Plant-Based Growth Alive

2025-03-26, 12:20 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Helge Lundberg
Medical Director, Meddoc Research

Session Details:

From Clinical to Consumer: Research Feeding into NPD and Shaping Consumption

2025-03-26, 12:20 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Christian Christensen
CEO, Dryk

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Keeping Plant-Based Growth Alive

2025-03-26, 12:20 PM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Vicky Davies
PhD, Global Marketing Director Performance, Active & Medical Nutrition, FrieslandCampina Ingredients

Vicky Davies is Senior Global Marketing Director for Performance, Active & Medical Nutrition at FrieslandCampina Ingredients. She trained as a physiologist and nutritionist, and has a PhD in nutritional biochemistry. She has been working in health and nutrition for 20 years, holding posts in academia and clinical nutrition research, as well as leadership roles in communications and marketing in leading multi-national companies, including Danone and Philips.

At FrieslandCampina Ingredients, Vicky is responsible for the global marketing and innovation strategy in Performance, Active and Medical nutrition. With her team, she strives to bring locally relevant, superior and beneficial nutrition and health related solutions to customers and consumers around the globe.

Vicky is passionate about her work, which enables her to bring together her love of nutrition and business, to have a positive and holistic impact on people’s health throughout their lives.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Herding up Innovation Hotspots around the Globe

2025-03-26, 10:20 AM

Session Details:

Re-formulating for the Next Generation

2025-03-26, 11:35 AM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Dr. Yaniv Altshuler
Founder and CEO, metha.ai

Dr. Yaniv Altshuler is the founder and CEO of metha.ai where he leverages his extensive expertise to drive innovation and growth in the AI and microbiome fields. An MIT Research Fellow and accomplished entrepreneur, Dr. Altshuler is celebrated for his groundbreaking work in designing and implementing scalable AI systems.

Dr. Altshuler holds a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Computer Science from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, where he graduated summa cum laude. He then completed his post-doctoral research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Dr. Altshuler is the author of three books, over 70 scientific papers, and 17 patents in the field of AI. His pioneering contributions have earned him global recognition, including being named a Technological Pioneer by the World Economic Forum.

Session Details:

Dairy’s Green Revolution: Data-Driven Sustainability for a Better Future

2025-03-26, 9:50 AM

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Prof. Patrizia Contursi
Associate Professor of Biochemistry, University of Naples Federico II

Session Details:

Closing with Collaboration Workshops: Cross-Industry Partnerships Innovating for a Healthy Future

2025-03-27, 4:05 PM

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Mike Bagshaw
Owner and Founder, I.T.S

Owner and Founder of UK-based natural flavour manufacturer, I.T.S. Mike is an experienced flavour innovator who has spent over 25 years in the food and beverage industry. With a background in science and food ingredients, he then founded I.T.S. in 2009. Building it up from his kitchen table to the international flavour business it is today. Mike remains proudly independent and always passionate about creating market-leading natural flavours for the food and beverage market. Mike spends his days exploring the food and drink industry, playing rugby and brewing beer.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Herding up Innovation Hotspots around the Globe

2025-03-26, 10:20 AM

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Søren Schønnemann
CEO, Factbird

Session Details:

Discussing Dairy-Tech Panel: Embracing Production Innovation for Cost-Effective and Productive Strategies

2025-03-26, 3:50 PM

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Monica Battistella
Group Sustainability Manager, Taghleef Industries

Monica Battistella is the Group Sustainability Manager at Taghleef Industries, a leading global BOPP films producer.

With over 20 years of experience, she has held key positions across various functions, including Sales and Product Management for Ti Europe.

Active in cross-value chain associations like CEFLEX and Recyclass, Monica is a sustainability and circular economy advocate with deep insights into regulatory compliance and the strategic role of suppliers in addressing industry challenges.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Materialising Sustainable Packaging Strategies

2025-03-26, 3:50 PM

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Niclas Pörtner
Project Manager, Envirochemie

Session Details:

Reserved for Niclas Pörtner, Project Manager, Envirochemie

2025-03-26, 4:30 PM

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Meleknur Tüzün
Global Segment Manager, Royal Avebe

Meleknur is a business development professional with over 15 years in the food production industry, specializing in the dynamic world of dairy and plant-based dairy. Her career is built on a strong foundation of food engineering, complemented by strategic business acumen gained through an Executive-MBA from Istanbul Technical University.

For the past ten years, Meleknur has focused on innovative texturizing solutions at Avebe, driving advancements in the dairy and plant-based dairy sectors. She possesses a deep understanding of both technical applications and market demands, enabling her to forge strong client partnerships and deliver impactful results.


At the Dairy Innovation Strategies Conference, Meleknur will unveil Avebe's latest texture breakthroughs, demonstrating how cutting-edge solutions like Etenia are redefining dairy product possibilities and sensory experiences. She will showcase significant advancements in creaminess and mouthfeel, validated by consumer preferences and Avebe's advanced scientific methodologies. Explore the journey of texture development, backed by rigorous analysis and consumer-driven innovation.

Next speaker
Katriina Leigh
Customer Development Manager, Valio

Katriina Leigh works as a Customer Development Manager at Valio Oy. With a Master of Science Degree in International Business from University of Hertfordshire, Katriina has a strong background in international sales and true passion for creating success together with the customers. She has previously worked at Solina Group,  Huhtamaki and S-Group.

Session Details:

Turning Consumer Trends into Successful Business Opportunities

2025-03-27, 2:00 PM

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Mark Dempsey
Senior Consulting Director –Consumer, Global

Mark brings over 20 years experience in the foodservice, retail and FMCG sectors to GlobalData.  Mark joined the GlobalData team in 2017 following 5 years living in Canada where he was an insights leader for PepsiCo and strategy consulting leader for the NPD group.   In his role at GlobalData, Mark brings bold thought-leadership to global partners across the manufacturer, retailer and distributor segments; always striving to find new ways to create growth by positively influencing shopper behaviour.

Mark brings significant FMCG knowledge and expertise to the conference having led research around the world on topics from shopper segmentation, to category market sizing to innovation planning and the study of global best practices.

Mark will be chairing the conference whilst sharing his views on the changing nature of next generation product offerings, the demands and expectations of today’s consumer, and the innovations and trends that will shape the future…

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Herding up Innovation Hotspots around the Globe

2025-03-26, 10:20 AM

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Panel Discussion: Opening the Gate to a Greener Future: Sustainable Farm Development

2025-03-26, 3:50 PM

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Chair’s Opening Remarks

2025-03-26, 8:50 AM

Session Details:

Fireside Chat: On the Frontlines: Supporting Dairy Farmers for the Long Haul

2025-03-27, 2:30 PM

Session Details:

What are Today’s Drivers for Dairy Success?

2025-03-26, 9:15 AM

Session Details:

Stream A – Pouring into Quality Product

2025-03-26, 2:40 PM

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Next speaker
William Blackett
Director of Consulting, GlobalData

Session Details:

Discussing Dairy-Tech Panel: Embracing Production Innovation for Cost-Effective and Productive Strategies

2025-03-26, 3:50 PM

Session Details:

Stream C – Harnessing Dairy-Tech

2025-03-26, 2:40 PM

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Katie Crichton
Global Strategic Account Director - Consumer, GlobalData

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Materialising Sustainable Packaging Strategies

2025-03-26, 3:50 PM

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: Keeping Plant-Based Growth Alive

2025-03-26, 12:20 PM

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+(44) 207 661 8841


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+44 20 4540 7593


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+(44) 207 661 8841


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+44 20 4540 7593