In the high-stakes environment of nuclear power, ensuring the integrity of the primary circuit in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs) is paramount. The primary circuit, responsible for containing the reactor coolant and maintaining reactor core stability, is subjected to extreme pressures and temperatures. Improper tensioning during assembly and maintenance can lead to catastrophic failures, resulting in radioactive leaks, unplanned shutdowns, and significant financial losses. Current challenges include the precise use of tensioning tools, the effects of inhomogeneous tightening, and the risks of uncontrolled tightening. These issues underscore the critical nature of accurate and reliable tensioning practices.
Our upcoming webinar will delve deep into the complexity of tensioning within the primary circuit of PWRs. We will begin with an overview of the fundamental principles of tensioning, highlighting the specific demands of nuclear applications. The presentation will then address common problems such as uneven bolt stress distribution, and uncontrolled tightening. Participants will gain insights into state-of-the-art tensioning technologies and techniques designed to mitigate these risks, including automatic and remotely controlled hydraulic tensioners, studs elongation measurement, specifically made test stands for operator training.
In addition, the webinar will feature case studies from leading nuclear facilities, showcasing how Pilgrim have successfully implemented advanced tensioning strategies to enhance operational safety and efficiency. Attendees will learn best practices for tensioning tools and its integrated functions for a safer, faster, and reliable joint integrity.
Join us for this essential webinar to ensure your team is equipped with the knowledge and skills to tackle the most pressing tightening challenges in the nuclear industry. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding and improve your operational practices. Register now to secure your spot and take a proactive step towards ensuring the safety and reliability of your PWR systems.