7th Annual Next Generation Nicotine Delivery USA

Join key business leaders from the FDA, ENDS and tobacco industry across the US market to explore actionable strategies to facilitate legal compliance and commercial success.

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The leading event to connect the nicotine industry to drive a strong future in tobacco and nicotine derived products by aligning strategic priorities to achieve new heights in consumer reach and profitability.






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  • 4 Jun 2025
  • 5 Jun 2025
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7:30 AM

Registration and Refreshments

8:30 AM

Chair’s opening remarks


Willie McKinney
Ph.D. Founder & CEO, McKinney Regulatory Science Advisors, LLC

8:40 AM

Opening Keynote: Developing Policies And Strategies To Best Guide The Nation Toward A Healthier Future

• Proposed rules: Limiting the level of nicotine in products
• Research findings: Reduced nicotine content cigarettes do not lead smokers to compensate for lower nicotine by smoking more
• Encouraging individuals to quit or switch to less harmful products
• FDA’s Population Heal Model: the model estimates that by the year 2060, the product standard would result in 1.8 million tobacco-related deaths averted, rising to 4.3 million deaths averted by the end of the century


Todd Cecil
Deputy Director for Regulatory Management, FDA

9:30 AM

Regulatory Compliance And Opportunities For Improvement

  • Challenges of introducing new-to-market tobacco products
  • Our commitment to both offering adult tobacco and vapor consumers choices as well as underage access prevention
  • Pre-Market Tobacco Product Application (PMTA) submissions


John O’Brien
Vice President and Assistant General Counsel - Regulatory, Reynolds American

10 AM

Dealing With Regulatory Challenges

  • Getting your product on the market
  • Managing the application process and post-market reporting requirements
  • Understanding the role of Risk Assessments for FDA Regulatory Submissions

Senior representative, Accorto

10:30 AM

Morning Refreshments & Networking

11 AM

Pathways To Getting Products Authorized

  • Introducing innovative new products for the modern consumer
  • Protecting U.S.-developed innovations against those who seek to import copycat products
  • Enforcement of illegal products to protect and improve industry and trade practices

Senior representative, Altria Client Services

11:30 AM

Bridging the Gap between PMTA Module 5 & 6 Regulatory Expectations and Business Objectives

  • Understanding FDA CTP's Guidance in 2025 and beyond
  • Risk: Benefit ratio of human behavior
  • Importance of Product Development and early-stage market considerations



Dr. Jessica Zdinak
Founder & Chief Research Officer, Applied Research and Analysis Company (ARAC)

12 PM

Next Generation Products (NGP)

  • Innovation and new product launches
  • Consumer trends in key markets
  • Vaping and heated tobacco - meeting consumer preferences and needs in Europe


Tobias Baude
Director of Corporate Affairs for NGP, Imperial Brands

12:30 PM

Lunch & Networking

Sponsored by AmeriNic

1:30 PM

Innovation Insights: Age Verification Technology For Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems

  • Technology that can prevent youth access while expanding adult market access to flavored PMTA-authorized products
  • Blockchain-based age-gating solution
  • How age verification technology unlocks opportunities for adults who choose to use flavored vapor products while introducing a pioneering approach to reducing youth access and usage

Senior representative, IKE Tech

2 PM

New Age Verification Technology Could Help Solve Youth Appeal

  • Use of e-cigarettes has become more prominent as a smoking cessation tool
  • Dealing with bans on disposable vaping devices
  • Age-gating options that are available to manufacturers and how it can help bring products to market quicker
  • Reviewing the potential for reusable, pod-based systems


Chris Allen
Chief Executive Officer, Broughton

2:30 PM

Panel Discussion: Navigate The Legal And Policy Challenges In The Evolving Tobacco And Nicotine Industry

  • Industry update: Changes in law and upcoming regulatory deadlines
  • Judicial opinions that may impact your business
  • Update on federal and state tobacco regulatory matters
  • The latest in premarket tobacco product applications (PMTAs)
  • Recent enforcement actions and investigations by state regulators

Senior representatives, Troutman Pepper Locke

3:10 PM

Impact of Supreme Court Cases and ENDS Litigation Update

  • Wages and White Lion and R.J. Reynolds Supreme Court cases
  • State of New York enforcement action
  • MDO challenges



Eric P. Gotting
Partner, Washington, DC, Keller and Heckman LLP

3:40 PM

Afternoon refreshments and networking

4:10 PM

Spotlight: FDA’s Current Approach to Toxicological Risk Evaluation to Inform APPH: A Nonclinical Case Study of Breeze Pro Disposable ENDS

In 2024, the FDA released two key scientific memoranda that shifted their approach to evaluating toxicological risk in ENDS PMTA from a mixture-based to a component-based framework, focusing on individual constituents and their cancer risk profiles. These memoranda established Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) as the cornerstone of toxicological risk evaluation in ENDS PMTAs, informing regulatory decisions on whether products are APPH. This presentation will explore the implications of the FDA's new perspective, discuss strategies for navigating the evolving PMTA regulatory landscape, and use Breeze Pro ENDS chemistry, toxicology, and QRA as a case study.


Dr. Charlene Liu, Sc.D.
President and Chief Scientist, Riskwise Solution LLC.

4:25 PM

Panel discussion: Harm Reduction – Key Developments Globally

  • Regulation and harm reduction in key markets
  • How are key markets responding to illicit products
  • How are international policies and regulations affecting US regulations and vice versa
  • The Tobacco and Vapes Bill: Implications of the U.K Generation Ban

-Will other nations follow suit?

  • Implications of recent US Regulations under the New Administration: Withdrawal of plan to ban menthol cigarettes in the United States


Tobias Baude, Director of Corporate Affairs for NGP, Imperial Brands

Dr. Jessica Zdinak, Founder & Chief Research Officer, Applied Research and Analysis Company (ARAC)

Senior representative, Sanova

Gavin O’Dowd, CEO, Haypp Group


Dr. Jessica Zdinak
Founder & Chief Research Officer, Applied Research and Analysis Company (ARAC)
Tobias Baude
Director of Corporate Affairs for NGP, Imperial Brands
Gavin O’Dowd
CEO, Haypp Group

5:05 PM

Case study: Project insights and best practice at McKinney Regulatory Science Advisors

Senior representative, McKinney Regulatory Science Advisors

5:35 PM

How MyCheckr age assurance technology can protect your staff and business

  • Assisted age check success in the UK & European tobacco / vaping market
  • How AI can help to deter purchase attempts with fake IDs
  • Privacy assured – no data stored


Dr Andrew O’Brien
Biometrics Product Manager, Innovative Technology

6:05 PM

Shark Tank: Innovation in Products and Services

A highlight of the 2025 programme, a selection of companies will be invited to pitch their innovations to the industry. The companies will be carefully vetted to ensure they are recognized leaders with cutting-edge products and services. Delegates will benefit from learning about recent innovations at the forefront of the industry. A carefully curated cross section of products and services will be presented at the 2025 Shark Tank presentations.

Each company will provide a 2-minute elevator pitch to showcase their innovations.

PRIZE DRAW: The audience will vote to pick their first and second choice innovations of the year.

The conference will host a wonderful drinks reception immediately after the Shark Tank where the featured companies will host an exhibition stand. Delegates can further discover the products and services that have been showcased and their unique features.

Featured Companies Presenting Innovation


Dr Andrew O’Brien, Biometrics Product Manager, Innovative Technology

Age Checker

Gavin O’Dowd, CEO, Haypp Group


Dr Andrew O’Brien
Biometrics Product Manager, Innovative Technology
Gavin O’Dowd
CEO, Haypp Group

6:30 PM

Chairman’s closing remarks


Willie McKinney
Ph.D. Founder & CEO, McKinney Regulatory Science Advisors, LLC

6:40 PM

Drinks reception hosted by Innovative Technology


Dr Andrew O’Brien
Biometrics Product Manager, Innovative Technology

8 PM

End of Day One

7:15 AM

Registration and networking

8:30 AM

Chairman’s opening remarks


Willie McKinney
Ph.D. Founder & CEO, McKinney Regulatory Science Advisors, LLC

8:40 AM

Keynote: FDA Interview: A Discussion With The Office Of Science

  • Recent Actions
  • Additional resources/ Transparency
  • Questions FDA would like some feedback on


Todd Cecil
Deputy Director for Regulatory Management, FDA

9:10 AM

Spotlight: How Effective Are Age Checking Technologies

  • Have age checking technologies succeeded in identifying legal aged consumers?
  • How have consumers responded to age checking technologies?
  • How have age checking technologies affected sales?

Senior representative, Age Checker

9:25 AM

Case Study: Dr. Vince Clinical Research

Dr Neil Sherwood, Manager, Tobacco Harm Reduction Research

Claudia Kanitscheider, Associate Director, Behavioural Science

George Hardie, Executive Director, Tobacco Harm Reduction

10:15 AM

Keynote: Bridging The Divide Between Public And Private Tobacco Harm Reduction Researchers

• Many factors impede optimal dialogue between private and public THR researchers. This limits progress in ending smoking
• The results of a 10-year review of public and private THR research will be presented. Major differences are outlined suggesting we need greater engagement not less
• The outcomes of a recent meeting held under the Chatham House Rule suggests a desire to engage exists from leading industry and academic players
• I will discuss opportunities to make faster progress and provide recent examples of how this is underway


Derek Yach
Member, Global Health Strategies LLC

10:55 AM

Spotlight: Towards A Clean Nicotine Future

Introducing Zanoprima’s SyNic, the world’s first synthetic, high chemical purity (typically 99.9%) synthetic (S) -nicotine that is neither derived from any part of the tobacco plant nor from a synthetic racemic mixture of S- and R-Nicotine.

Senior representative, Zanoprima

11:10 AM

Morning refreshments, networking and prize draw

Delegates will enter a prize draw to be in with a chance to win one of three prizes.

11:40 AM

Speaker Hosted Roundtables

Interactive roundtable sessions offer a unique opportunity to come together with your peers to share best practice and develop solutions to critical challenges facing the industry as a whole. Hosted by industry experts and each focused on a single issue, roundtables are an exciting, interactive way to build your personal network and learn from the experience and expertise of others. Each roundtable session lasts for 40 minutes, and delegates may attend up to 2 roundtables.


Roundtable 1: Reynolds American


Roundtable 2: Accorto Regulatory/Inter Scientific


Roundtables 3 and 4: Available for sponsorship

1 PM

Lunch and networking

1:50 PM

Panel Discussion: Key Developments in The Cannabis Market

  • Recent developments in the cannabis, cannabidiol (CBD) and hemp industries
  • New innovative products that have recently entered the market
  • Understanding key regulations and compliance requirements
  • Update on the uptake of cannabis and CBD vaping

2:30 PM

Key Legal Developments: Tobacco Alternatives And Nicotine Products

  • Regulatory compliance: Key considerations for industry
  • Best practice regulatory compliance for e-cigarette industry, ENDS device and e-liquid manufacturers
  • Update on state flavor bans and marketing restrictions
  • Developing and implementing effective risk mitigation strategies
  • Reserving and protecting their intellectual property rights


Joe Smith
Partner, Thompson Hine

3 PM

Industry Case Study

3:30 PM

Afternoon refreshments

3:50 PM

Update: Florida’s State And Local Tax Law

  • Dealing with challenging state tobacco and vape tax issues and refunds
  • Recent success stories: From initial audit notice through litigation, civil and criminal cases
  • Best practice when dealing with an audit


Jerry Donnini
Shareholder, Law Offices of Moffa, Sutton, & Donnini, P.A. & Founder of Tobacco Tax Refund, Inc

4:05 PM

Panel Discussion: How Can Industry Work Together To Improve Positive Messaging For Nicotine Products

  • Using industry research and data to communicate positive messaging
  • The key roles academia and science labs play in collecting data and demonstrating harm reduction
  • Working effectively with the FDA to ensure harm reduction


Samy Hamdouche
Co-founder and COO, Lucy Goods Inc.
Joe Smith
Partner, Thompson Hine
Derek Yach
Member, Global Health Strategies LLC

4:40 PM

Chairman’s closing remarks


Willie McKinney
Ph.D. Founder & CEO, McKinney Regulatory Science Advisors, LLC

4:45 PM

End of conference


Select a speaker to learn more

Todd Cecil
Deputy Director for Regulatory Management, FDA

Todd is the Deputy Director of Regulatory Management in the Office of Science of CTP.  Todd joined CTP in 2015 and has served in many roles within the Office of Science from a chemistry reviewer, through several leadership roles.  He has also served in the Technical Project Lead role for SE, EX, and PMTA programs.  He currently provides leadership for the SE and EX pathways and serves in the PMTA clearance review for the center.

Prior to joining FDA, Todd spent over 23 years at the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), where he served as the Vice-president of Compendial Science.

He received his BS in Chemistry from the University of Iowa and Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Virginia Commonwealth University

Session Details:

Opening Keynote: Developing Policies And Strategies To Best Guide The Nation Toward A Healthier Future

2025-06-04, 8:40 AM

Session Details:

Keynote: FDA Interview: A Discussion With The Office Of Science

2025-06-05, 8:40 AM

View In Agenda
Next speaker
Willie McKinney
Ph.D. Founder & CEO, McKinney Regulatory Science Advisors, LLC

A tobacco industry regulatory executive and inhalation toxicologist who’s spent more than two decades conducting research and developing product and regulatory strategies that bring better products to market.

Session Details:

Chairman’s closing remarks

2025-06-04, 6:30 PM

Session Details:

Chair’s opening remarks

2025-06-04, 8:30 AM

Session Details:

Chairman’s opening remarks

2025-06-05, 8:30 AM

Session Details:

Chairman’s closing remarks

2025-06-05, 4:40 PM

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Next speaker
John O’Brien
Vice President and Assistant General Counsel - Regulatory, Reynolds American

John O’Brien serves as Vice President and Assistant General Counsel – Regulatory for RAI Services Company, where he counsels Reynolds American Inc.’s operating companies on a wide range of regulatory-related matters.

Prior to joining Reynolds in 2018, John spent over a decade in private practice, where he counseled some of the largest consumer packaged goods companies on a wide range of FDA, USDA, and FTC regulatory matters, including enforcement actions, civil litigation, investigations, inspections, product recalls, claims substantiation, labeling, and compliance.

He earned his BM from Northwestern University and earned his MM and JD degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Session Details:

Regulatory Compliance And Opportunities For Improvement

2025-06-04, 9:30 AM

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Dr. Jessica Zdinak
Founder & Chief Research Officer, Applied Research and Analysis Company (ARAC)

Dr. Jessica Zdinak is an Eastern Shore of Virginia native who received a B.S. in Psychology from Christopher Newport University, and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology & Statistics from Oklahoma State University. Dr. Zdinak has dedicated 20 years working as a behavioral scientist in a variety of settings, including academic, federal government, public health, and industry, and now serves as Chief Research Officer of a leading U.S. based Contract Research Organization, ARAC. 

Her team services both U.S. and International clients in their product development and consumer research supporting innovation and “next generation” products, with a focused expertise on the regulatory sciences for U.S. applications including: ITPs, PMTAs, MRTPAs, SEs, 510(k), and Breakthrough Designations. 

The ARAC firm specializes in providing boutique-level personalized research services, combining their expertise in psychology, statistics, and behavior change, with a focus on the consumer, and the role of the regulator. Their triangular approach has proven successful across a variety of studies, including label development and comprehension, human factors/usability, clinical behavioral studies, specifically randomized experimental trials, TPPI, and post-market surveillance systems.

Session Details:

Bridging the Gap between PMTA Module 5 & 6 Regulatory Expectations and Business Objectives

2025-06-04, 11:30 AM

Session Details:

Panel discussion: Harm Reduction – Key Developments Globally

2025-06-04, 4:25 PM

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Tobias Baude
Director of Corporate Affairs for NGP, Imperial Brands

As the Director of Corporate Affairs for Next Generation Products Tobias leads Imperial Brands‘ global NGP policy. He is a member of Imperials global NGP leadership team.

Tobias expertise is in public affairs, regulations and compliance. He has previously held leadership positions in travel  retail & duty free, corporate affairs and global supply chain.

Session Details:

Panel discussion: Harm Reduction – Key Developments Globally

2025-06-04, 4:25 PM

Session Details:

Next Generation Products (NGP)

2025-06-04, 12:00 PM

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Chris Allen
Chief Executive Officer, Broughton

Chris co-founded Broughton in 2006, having worked previously within global blue-chip pharmaceutical companies and Contract Research Organisations within the medicinal product and medical device sectors.

  • Over 25 years’ experience in Analytical and Regulatory Science focussing on inhaled and solid dose pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and nicotine products
  • Extensive experience with global regulatory agencies, including US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
  • Oversees the overall direction of the organisation, ensuring that Broughton’s mission is achieved
  • Has a passion for developing Broughton’s services and team members to help accelerate life-enhancing products to market

Chris Allen is the Chief Executive Officer at Broughton. Since obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and a subsequent Post Graduate Certificate in Analytical Science, he has gained over 25 years of analytical and regulatory experience working in global medical device and pharmaceutical companies and leading CROs. Chris started his career working on both Medical Devices and Pharmaceutical products within Smith+Nephew. Subsequently, Chris moved into inhaled medicines, supporting blue-chip pharmaceutical companies’ drug product registration programs within Melbourn Intertek.

Before co-founding Broughton, Chris moved into a leadership role with Sciantec (Cawood), successfully overseeing its entry into the Veterinary Medicines market, supporting global Marketing Authorizations and site inspections.

Chris co-founded Broughton Laboratories in 2006, with Paul Moran, overseeing its first and successful MHRA Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) inspection within the first three months. With a focus on supporting Marketing Authorizations and Post Marketing activities within the pharmaceutical sector, Broughton played a pivotal role in obtaining the first UK Medicinal License for an electronic cigarette, a project that started in 2010.

Chris took this combined experience of Pharmaceuticals and Nicotine to expand Broughton’s services to support the development and registration of Reduced-Risk Tobacco Products, including Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS). Rapid growth within this area resulted in the expansion to a second site, and a multi-million-pound (GBP) investment into a custom-built facility, leading-edge analytical equipment and expansion of the team and service offerings. Chris has overseen multiple product applications for Medicinal Marketing Authorization Applications (MAA), EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), US Premarket Tobacco Product Application (PMTA) and other global markets. Chris has become well established as a recognized subject matter expert in the science and regulation of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and reduced risk nicotine products.

As Chief Executive Officer of Broughton, Chris’ passion lies in developing the Broughton Team and associated services to deliver life-enhancing products to market for their clients.

Session Details:

New Age Verification Technology Could Help Solve Youth Appeal

2025-06-04, 2:00 PM

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Eric Gotting
Partner, Keller and Heckman LLP

Eric Gotting represents Keller and Heckman’s clients in litigation and related matters, specializing in complex civil and appellate matters, internal investigations, and regulatory compliance. With an extensive background in environmental and FDA law, he has expanded his practice over the years to cover many of Keller and Heckman’s industry sectors and regulatory areas, including tobacco and e-vapor. Eric is a former Am Law 50 litigation partner and U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Division, Trial Attorney. Eric’s practice spans a broad range of legal issues, including administrative and constitutional law, agency enforcement actions, toxic torts, product liability, general business litigation, and regulatory advice. He works with a diverse set of industries, including chemicals, plastics, pesticides, fuels and pipelines, food and packaging, consumer goods, telecommunications, and e-cigarettes. As a litigator, Eric has tried cases to verdict and argued appeals before federal and state courts across the country. His experience includes class actions, mass tort litigation, AAA arbitrations, and agency proceedings. Eric has also litigated challenges to federal and state statutes, regulations, and orders, including PMTA marketing denial orders. He has particular expertise involving the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), the Dormant Commerce Clause, the First Amendment, the Due Process Clause, and federal preemption. He has also filed amicus briefs in litigation involving regulatory issues facing a variety of industry sectors, including on behalf of the e-vapor industry.

Next speaker
Dr. Charlene Liu, Sc.D.
President and Chief Scientist, Riskwise Solution LLC.

Dr. Charlene Liu is a renowned expert in regulatory strategy development and nonclinical studies for tobacco harm reduction products. She brings nearly a decade of leadership experience in toxicology and risk assessment at R.J. Reynolds, JUUL Labs, and RELX International. With nearly 20 years of prior experience in human health risk assessment at Environmental Protection Agency Superfund sites, Dr. Liu was a pioneer in applying quantitative risk assessment (QRA) to evaluate the relative health risks of tobacco harm reduction products over a decade ago. She has successfully developed and applied QRA methodologies for PMTAs and substantial equivalence filings. Her work has influenced the FDA to adopt QRA as a key component in evaluating toxicological risk in ENDS PMTA for regulatory decisions on APPH.
In 2023, Dr. Liu founded Riskwise Solution, a consulting firm providing expertise in nonclinical science, including chemical characterization, stability, toxicology, and risk assessment, to help clients navigate the evolving PMTA regulatory landscape.

Session Details:

Spotlight: FDA’s Current Approach to Toxicological Risk Evaluation to Inform APPH: A Nonclinical Case Study of Breeze Pro Disposable ENDS

2025-06-04, 4:10 PM

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Gavin O’Dowd
CEO, Haypp Group

CEO, Chief  Executive Officer

At Haypp Group since September 2017.

Education and work experience:
A chartered management accountant who trained in Accenture and PwC. Has spent 11 years in the nicotine industry, at BAT, in Group Corporate Finance, CFO Iberian and General Manager for Sweden and Norway.

Session Details:

Shark Tank: Innovation in Products and Services

2025-06-04, 6:05 PM

Session Details:

Panel discussion: Harm Reduction – Key Developments Globally

2025-06-04, 4:25 PM

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Dr Andrew O’Brien
Biometrics Product Manager, Innovative Technology

Andrew gained his PhD in physics in 2008.  Since then he has been involved in numerous start-ups commercialising and bringing to market innovative technical solutions.  He joined Innovative Technology in 2019 where he heads up their Biometrics Division developing age and identity verification technology ICU Lite, MyCheckr and MyCheckrMini. These devices are now widely used across tobacco, retail and gaming to help control underage access to age restricted products and services. 

Session Details:

Shark Tank: Innovation in Products and Services

2025-06-04, 6:05 PM

Session Details:

Drinks reception hosted by Innovative Technology

2025-06-04, 6:40 PM

Session Details:

How MyCheckr age assurance technology can protect your staff and business

2025-06-04, 5:35 PM

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Derek Yach

Derek Yach is a global public health leader with deep experience based on years of work for WHO, leading corporations including PepsiCo, investment funds, academia (as Professor of Global Health at Yale), and not-for-profit organizations such as the Rockefeller and Smoke Free Foundations. His focus in these diverse settings has been to lead initiatives with impact on chronic diseases and their risks, and on mental health. Looking forward, he believes that governments, industry and investors need to give far greater focus to the health of adults as the pandemic recedes if we are to build more resilient and productive populations. He has focused on ways to implement harm reduction strategies within the context of substance abuse, tobacco control and food and nutrition policy. He has degrees in medicine and public health.

Next speaker
Jerry Donnini
Shareholder, Law Offices of Moffa, Sutton, & Donnini, P.A. & Founder of Tobacco Tax Refund, Inc

Gerald "Jerry" Donnini II is a shareholder of the Law Offices of Moffa, Sutton, & Donnini, P.A. He is also president and founder of Tobacco Tax Refund, Inc, which focuses on state tax and licensing issues in the tobacco and vape industry.  Mr. Donnini concentrates in the area of state tax and licensing matters, with a heavy emphasis on the tobacco, convenience store and petroleum industries. He has represented and handled millions of dollars in tobacco and vape tax refunds and assessments for distributors and retailers nationwide.

Session Details:

Update: Florida’s State And Local Tax Law

2025-06-05, 3:50 PM

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Samy Hamdouche
Co-founder and COO, Lucy Goods Inc.

Samy Hamdouche is a co-founder and Chief Operating Officer at Lucy. Prior to Lucy, he helped to build a number of companies in the biopharmaceuticals industry, including Avidity Biosciences and Kura Oncology. He is a scientist by training, and received his Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biophysics from Caltech.

David Renteln is a co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at Lucy. He started Lucy during his attempt to quit smoking, when he first became aware of what is now called the continuum of risk, and the public health potential of reduced harm products. Prior to Lucy, he was a co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Soylent, a nutrition and food technology company.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How Can Industry Work Together To Improve Positive Messaging For Nicotine Products

2025-06-05, 4:05 PM

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Hyatt Regency Miami

400 SE 2nd St, Miami, FL 33131, United States


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Senior Account Manager

+(44) 020 7947 2735


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Francesco Magli

Senior Account Manager

+(44) 020 7947 2735