Motor Finance Europe: Conference and Awards 2022



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  • 20 Oct 2022
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8 AM


8:50 AM

Chair’s opening remarks


Alejandro Gonzalez
Editor, Leasing Life

8:56 AM

SESSION ONE: What is the Changing Future of the Motor Finance Industry in Uncertain Economic?


Christopher Ley
Partner, Berylls Strategy Advisors

9 AM

The evolving relationship between financial services and the real economy

  • Financial Services as embedded Assets
  • The evolution and merger of Fintech and Mobitech
  • Speed to Market
  • Leadership focus on a value – based culture


Klaus Entenmann
Chairman of the Board, Mercedes-Benz Auto Finance

9:20 AM

Moxo – Modernizing Client Lifecycle Management

  • Modernize your client interaction management with a secure, onestop interaction workflow platform.
  • Building a onestop hub to manage your complete client life cycle across account onboarding, account servicing, and exception handling.
  • Rethinking today’s costly, inefficient, and fragmented client engagement model, which requires significant manual intervention.
  • Streamline client business processes across your firm and orchestrate each step of your workflows to fast-track client business.


Martin de Heus
EMEA Director, Moxo

9:40 AM

Car Subscriptions: Hype vs. Reality

  • Reality check on expected growth of car subscriptions
  • Understanding supply and demand
  • Exploring the success factors for growth


Director, KPMG
Simon Zimmerman
Manager, KPMG

10 AM

Challenges that captive banks are facing in Germany

  • Ensuring compliance and adhering to regulations
  • How big investments in systems can guarantee compliance
  • Investing in digitalisation vs partnering with banks who offer digital solutions
  • Why cooperation between OEMs and established banks makes sense


Guillaume Watine
Head Of Auto IT, Santander

10:20 AM

Better Buying Journeys: How retailers can create the best customer experience online and in the showroom?

  • What do customers want?
  • Creating the right digital culture
  • Building customer engagement
  • Maintaining profitability


Paul Bennett
Senior VP International Business Development & Banking Alliances, IVendi

10:30 AM

Morning refreshments and networking

10:36 AM

SESSION TWO: What are the New Operating and New Finance Models?


Director, KPMG

10:40 AM

Panel discussion: What does the year ahead look like for the auto finance industry faced with a changing market?

  • Chair:
  • Christopher Ley, Associate Partner, Berylls Strategy Advisors
  • Panel:
  • Klaus Entenmann, Chairman of the Board of Mercedes-Benz Auto Finance Ltd.
  • Senior representative, Moxo
  • Stefan Günther, Director, KPMG Financial Services
  • Simon Zimmermann, Manager, KPMG Financial Services
  • Guillaume Watine, Head of Auto IT, Santander
  • Jakob Böehme, Tesla Financial Services
  • Paul Bennett, Senior VP International Business Development & Banking Alliances, iVendi


Paul Bennett
Senior VP International Business Development & Banking Alliances, IVendi
Alejandro Gonzalez
Editor, Leasing Life
Director, KPMG
Simon Zimmerman
Manager, KPMG
Guillaume Watine
Head Of Auto IT, Santander
Jakob Boehme
Head Of Markets And Credit, Tesla Financial Services
Klaus Entenmann
Chairman of the Board, Mercedes-Benz Auto Finance

11:30 AM

Discovering how electromobility and other mobility solutions can allow everybody to drive green without ownership

  • Upgrading charging infrastructure to enable automobility growth
  • Taking responsible action in the race to net-zero for a sustainable future
  • How to commercialise the solutions


Giacomo Carelli
CEO CA Auto Bank and Chairman, Drivalia

11:50 AM

Leveraging digital onboarding to boost international core business

  • FCA Bank & InfoCert: a successful case of digital transformation
  • TOP: The InfoCert solution for a seamless onboarding process​
  • eID gateway: the technology to shorten your customer journey
  • The strength of a Pan-European Trust Service Provider


Michele Guido Mario Lavizzari
Chief International Development Officer, InfoCert
Head Of ICT, FCA Bank

12:10 PM

Mobile… Digital… How to digitalize car lending

  • From client facing up to contract signature
  • Covering the complete customer journey
  • Supporting onboarding and lending processes with fully digitalized onboarding solutions including identification, income verification, credit decision and signing


Leonardo Piva
Business Development Director,CRIF
Stefan Schetter
Sales Director Special Accounts and Automotive,CRIF

12:30 PM

Battle for the future: Why standing still is not an option

  • The changing habits of consumers
  • Putting data at the heart of your decisions
  • Creating customer simplicity; is the agency model the answer?


Lisa Watson
Sales Director, Close Brothers Motor Finance

12:50 PM

How true ADS (Alternative Deal Structure) can marry business objectives with growing customer loyalty

  • The capabilities needed to operationalise ADS
  • What competitive advantages true ADS brings
  • Extension of these capabilities across the customer lifecycle


Principle Consultant, FICO

1:10 PM

Panel discussion: How to maximise profitability with new models and leasing structures?

  • Panel:
  • Michele Guido Mario Lavizzari, InfoCert
  • Lisa Watson, Sales Director, Close Brothers
  • Senior representative, Crif Burgel
  • Giacomo Carelli, Chairman Leasys & CEO Drivalia and FCA Bank
  • Eva Kellershof, Otoz Mobility Client Partner, NETSOL
  • Richard Cowley, Principle Consultant, FICO


Principle Consultant, FICO
Michele Guido Mario Lavizzari
Chief International Development Officer, InfoCert
Eva Kellershof
VP Sales North America & Europe, NETSOL Technologies
Lisa Watson
Sales Director, Close Brothers Motor Finance
Giacomo Carelli
CEO CA Auto Bank and Chairman, Drivalia

1:30 PM

Lunch & Networking

2:21 PM

SESSION THREE: How to Adopt a Flexible Approach to Mobility?


Alejandro Gonzalez
Editor, Leasing Life

2:30 PM

Risk-based pricing strategies in motor finance: why change and why now?

  • The use of advanced analytics including data modelling to predict various sources of financial risk at time of offer
  • The implementation of dynamic pricing offers in a competitive way while controlling risk exposures and achieving business goals
  • Best practices for risk-based pricing deployments


Giovanni Oppenheim
Director Of Banking Solutions, Earnix

2:50 PM

Stimulating long-term growth with vehicle subscription

  • Examining technology, operating models and scalability: lessons learnt to help reach profitability quicker
  • From a one-time sales approach to a service-based model: a shifting mindset to overcome a mental barrier
  • Reducing risk for customers in the quest for trying new technologies


Martin Muessener
Vice President Of Market Operations, Corporate Planning And Business Transformation, Toyota Financial Services

3:10 PM

From ZERO to YES – accelerate your credit application

  • Challenges in Digital Onboarding processes
  • Customer Experience – reduce your time to “YES”
  • Smart Framework in a tough environment


Andreas Sonnleitner
Senior Sales Manager Finance & Payment, Experian DACH

3:30 PM

Commercial vehicle – Equipment as a service and the shift to electromobility

  • Reinventing future offerings to meet customer needs and drive stellar customer experience
  • Why EaaS models are moving from a theoretical option to a strategic imperative
  • How industrial equipment manufacturers can kick-start their transformation and take it to scale
  • Identifying EaaS models to enable a reliable source of steady high-profit income streams


Johan Hoff
SVP Region Europe North & Central / Global Head Of EaaS, Volvo Financial Services

3:50 PM

Panel discussion: Optimizing the momentum for mobility to reach financial advantage

  • Panel:
  • Giovanni Oppenheim, Director of Banking Solutions, Earnix
  • Martin Muessener, Vice President of Market Operations, Corporate Planning and Business Transformation, Toyota Financial Services
  • Andreas Sonnleitner, Senior Sales Manager Finance & Payment, Experian DACH
  • Johan Hoff, SVP Region Europe North & Central / Global Head of EaaS, Volvo Financial Services


Giovanni Oppenheim
Director Of Banking Solutions, Earnix
Andreas Sonnleitner
Senior Sales Manager Finance & Payment, Experian DACH
Martin Muessener
Vice President Of Market Operations, Corporate Planning And Business Transformation, Toyota Financial Services
Johan Hoff
SVP Region Europe North & Central / Global Head Of EaaS, Volvo Financial Services

4:10 PM

Mid-Afternoon Refreshments

4:16 PM

SESSION FOUR: What does the Future of Digitalisation in the Motor Finance Industry Look Like?


Ian Plummer
Commercial Director, AutoTrader

4:30 PM

Future potential of digitalisation

  • Accepting the need to digitalise business: have we really done more than simply scratch the surface of the potential benefits of doing so?
  • How Scrive’s customers have been able to improve their business and push their industry forward with their digitalisation efforts
  • Exploring where the automotive finance industry is going and, therefore, how you can build your future digital transformation plans to account for an ever-changing digital economy


Niklas Fehrm
Chief Revenue Officer,Scrive

4:50 PM

Creditplus enables Dealers’ Digital Sales Transformation

  • Real E2E Online Sales


Daniel Eschbach
Chief Commercial Officer, Creditplus Bank AG

5:10 PM

Sustainable Risk Mitigation

  • Roadblocks to change in the process of vehicle auditing
  • Migrating to self-audit
  • Can a virtual audit be trusted?


Ross Oliver
Director of EMEA Operations,Quiktrak

5:30 PM

Closing panel: Key takeaways of the day – what did we learn today?

  • Chair:
  • Ian Plummer, Commercial Director, Auto Trader
  • Panel:
  • Niklas Fehrm, Chief Revenue Officer, Scrive
  • Ross Oliver, Director of EMEA Operations, Quiktrak
  • Daniel Eschbach, Chief Commercial Officer, CreditPlus
  • Thomas Nokin, CEO, Basikon
  • João Miguel Leandro, CEO, Mobilize Financial Services


Ian Plummer
Commercial Director, AutoTrader
Thomas Nokin
CEO, Basikon
Daniel Eschbach
Chief Commercial Officer, Creditplus Bank AG
Niklas Fehrm
Chief Revenue Officer,Scrive
Ross Oliver
Director of EMEA Operations,Quiktrak

6:50 PM

Drinks Reception

7:50 PM

Motor Finance Europe Awards Ceremony


Select a speaker to learn more

Principle Consultant, FICO

Richard Cowley is a Principle Consultant for Analytics at FICO. He has worked within Financial Services, both on Client side and as an analyst and consultant for over 25 years. During his time at FICO he has led many predictive model projects across the customer lifecycle across multiple industries. He has developed and implemented successful Optimisation solutions across EMEA driving huge benefits to clients through enhanced decisions.

Session Details:

Panel discussion: How to maximise profitability with new models and leasing structures?

2022-10-20, 1:10 PM

Session Details:

How true ADS (Alternative Deal Structure) can marry business objectives with growing customer loyalty

2022-10-20, 12:50 PM

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Ian Plummer
Commercial Director, AutoTrader

Ian joined Auto Trader in 2017, with over 20 years of experience in the automotive industry. In his current role, he is responsible for leading Auto Trader’s relationships with automotive manufacturers, lenders as well as franchised retailers to ensure value and revenue for them in new and used car sales. Since joining Auto Trader, Ian has also been central to the growth of its new car business and also championing the environmental agenda within the company and externally.

Prior to joining Auto Trader, Ian worked at Volkswagen where he was Director of Sales Operations in the UK. He also spent 16 years at Renault-Nissan where, among other senior management roles, he was Managing Director of Renault Retail Group, responsible for 25 Renault and Nissan dealerships. He also held various international roles in marketing, after-sales and e-business at Renault’s headquarters in Paris. Ian holds a BA (Hons) from Loughborough University in Economics, Politics and French, and an MBA from IMD-Theseus Institute in France.

Session Details:

Closing panel: Key takeaways of the day – what did we learn today?

2022-10-20, 5:30 PM

Session Details:

SESSION FOUR: What does the Future of Digitalisation in the Motor Finance Industry Look Like?

2022-10-20, 4:16 PM

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Christopher Ley
Partner, Berylls Strategy Advisors

Session Details:

SESSION ONE: What is the Changing Future of the Motor Finance Industry in Uncertain Economic?

2022-10-20, 8:56 AM

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Paul Bennett
Senior VP International Business Development & Banking Alliances, IVendi

Session Details:

Better Buying Journeys: How retailers can create the best customer experience online and in the showroom?

2022-10-20, 10:20 AM

Session Details:

Panel discussion: What does the year ahead look like for the auto finance industry faced with a changing market?

2022-10-20, 10:40 AM

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Next speaker
Michele Guido Mario Lavizzari
Chief International Development Officer, InfoCert

As a Senior Executive Manager with almost 30 years of work experience within the ICT industry, He is in charge to lead InfoCert's business expansion across EU and LATAM Markets. On top of the technical and commercial background, he has added strong financial and managerial skills, developed on the job in an international multicultural environment all over the years and by attending multiple training courses, most of them held at the Ashridge Management College of Berkhamsted.

Session Details:

Leveraging digital onboarding to boost international core business

2022-10-20, 11:50 AM

Session Details:

Panel discussion: How to maximise profitability with new models and leasing structures?

2022-10-20, 1:10 PM

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Martin de Heus
EMEA Director, Moxo

I have a background in the FinTech industry and I’m heading the Moxo team in the EMEA region. We help financial institutions with modernizing their client interaction workflows across all stages of their client lifecycle, from account onboarding, account servicing and exception handling.

Session Details:

Moxo – Modernizing Client Lifecycle Management

2022-10-20, 9:20 AM

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Thomas Nokin
CEO, Basikon

Thomas has acquired a strong expertise in software development. He has worked particularly in the financing, private equity and venture sector and has held the position of CTO on several occasions. He is a graduate engineer from the École Polytechnique.

Session Details:

Closing panel: Key takeaways of the day – what did we learn today?

2022-10-20, 5:30 PM

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Alejandro Gonzalez
Editor, Leasing Life

Session Details:

Chair’s opening remarks

2022-10-20, 8:50 AM

Session Details:

Panel discussion: What does the year ahead look like for the auto finance industry faced with a changing market?

2022-10-20, 10:40 AM

Session Details:

SESSION THREE: How to Adopt a Flexible Approach to Mobility?

2022-10-20, 2:21 PM

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Giovanni Oppenheim
Director Of Banking Solutions, Earnix

Giovanni has been with global financial institutions for almost a decade to accelerate the adoption of advanced analytical capabilities for pricing and product personalization. As head of the Professional Services Banking Team in Earnix he led a global team of consultants responsible for the design, management, and delivery of implementations for different product lines: unsecured consumer loans, motor finance products, mortgages, short-term and long-term lending products for businesses. Over the last few years Giovanni has designed and delivered the analytics and the implementations that every month are behind the pricing of over €10bn in contracts globally. Giovanni has also led strategic consulting projects with focus on advanced analytics and on change management processes and operations.

Session Details:

Panel discussion: Optimizing the momentum for mobility to reach financial advantage

2022-10-20, 3:50 PM

Session Details:

Risk-based pricing strategies in motor finance: why change and why now?

2022-10-20, 2:30 PM

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Andreas Sonnleitner
Senior Sales Manager Finance & Payment, Experian DACH

Andreas Sonnleitner has 23 years of industry experience in the financial sector. The certified credit manager supports customers with solutions in risk management, leasing and receivables management and was already able to contribute his expertise to companies such as abcfinance and FinTecSystems in earlier years.

In 2019 Andreas joined Experian DACH as Senior Sales Manager, Finance & Payment and is primarily responsible for automotive and retail banks as well as leasing companies.

Session Details:

Panel discussion: Optimizing the momentum for mobility to reach financial advantage

2022-10-20, 3:50 PM

Session Details:

From ZERO to YES – accelerate your credit application

2022-10-20, 3:10 PM

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Director, KPMG

Stefan is a Director at KPMG Financial Services and a member of KPMGs Automotive Core Group. He focuses on designing business and operating models, setting up new entities as well as steering transformation and implementation projects including merger, carve outs and restructuring projects.

Session Details:

Car Subscriptions: Hype vs. Reality

2022-10-20, 9:40 AM

Session Details:

Panel discussion: What does the year ahead look like for the auto finance industry faced with a changing market?

2022-10-20, 10:40 AM

Session Details:

SESSION TWO: What are the New Operating and New Finance Models?

2022-10-20, 10:36 AM

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Simon Zimmerman
Manager, KPMG

Simon is a Manager at KPMG Financial Services and specializes in the transformations, redesigns and growth projects of automotive banks and captives, as well as the development of digital leasing business models.

Session Details:

Car Subscriptions: Hype vs. Reality

2022-10-20, 9:40 AM

Session Details:

Panel discussion: What does the year ahead look like for the auto finance industry faced with a changing market?

2022-10-20, 10:40 AM

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Eva Kellershof
VP Sales North America & Europe, NETSOL Technologies

Eva Kellershof is a startup executive and board advisor in FinTech, Mobility, AutoFinance, Digital and Strategy. She’s working as a client partner for Otoz Mobility in California and the larger NETSOL Group globally.

Prior to that, she served as the Senior Director of Strategy at Fair, a Santa Monica-based tech company pioneering the Car as a Service (CaaS) subscription model in the mobility space. There, Eva closely worked with the Co-founder and President since Fair’s early stage in 2017.

Before joining Fair she served as a partner at a management consulting group and worked in this capacity with the C suites of major OEMs in Europe, Japan and the US.

Session Details:

Panel discussion: How to maximise profitability with new models and leasing structures?

2022-10-20, 1:10 PM

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Guillaume Watine
Head Of Auto IT, Santander

Session Details:

Challenges that captive banks are facing in Germany

2022-10-20, 10:00 AM

Session Details:

Panel discussion: What does the year ahead look like for the auto finance industry faced with a changing market?

2022-10-20, 10:40 AM

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Next speaker
Daniel Eschbach
Chief Commercial Officer, Creditplus Bank AG

Session Details:

Closing panel: Key takeaways of the day – what did we learn today?

2022-10-20, 5:30 PM

Session Details:

Creditplus enables Dealers’ Digital Sales Transformation

2022-10-20, 4:50 PM

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Jakob Boehme
Head Of Markets And Credit, Tesla Financial Services

Session Details:

Panel discussion: What does the year ahead look like for the auto finance industry faced with a changing market?

2022-10-20, 10:40 AM

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CEO, Mobilize Financial Services

João is the group CEO of Mobilize Financial Services (previously called RCI Bank and Services), the captive bank of the Renault group, working for the brands of the Alliance.

Next speaker
Martin Muessener
Vice President Of Market Operations, Corporate Planning And Business Transformation, Toyota Financial Services

Session Details:

Panel discussion: Optimizing the momentum for mobility to reach financial advantage

2022-10-20, 3:50 PM

Session Details:

Stimulating long-term growth with vehicle subscription

2022-10-20, 2:50 PM

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Johan Hoff
SVP Region Europe North & Central / Global Head Of EaaS, Volvo Financial Services

Session Details:

Panel discussion: Optimizing the momentum for mobility to reach financial advantage

2022-10-20, 3:50 PM

Session Details:

Commercial vehicle – Equipment as a service and the shift to electromobility

2022-10-20, 3:30 PM

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Lisa Watson
Sales Director, Close Brothers Motor Finance

Lisa Watson, Sales Director at Close Brothers Motor Finance, is a business leader with extensive experience in Motor Finance, Compliance, Motor Dealership Group F&I Sales, Operations and Insurance.  Capable of envisioning future business growth and establishing a value proposition to set it apart from the competition. Lisa has a reputation for transforming businesses, scaling and delivering significant growth and value through creative consumer centric, customer focused strategies, leveraging data, insight, partnerships and digital technologies.

Session Details:

Battle for the future: Why standing still is not an option

2022-10-20, 12:30 PM

Session Details:

Panel discussion: How to maximise profitability with new models and leasing structures?

2022-10-20, 1:10 PM

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Giacomo Carelli
CEO CA Auto Bank and Chairman, Drivalia

Giacomo Carelli is the CEO of CA Auto Bank since its launch on 4th April 2023, thus retaining the role he had held at FCA Bank since July 2014.

He is also Chairman of Drivalia since October 2018.

He is also serving as Head of International Partnerships at Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance since April 2022.
Giacomo Carelli has worked in a multicultural environment in many countries since the start of his career. He joined IBM in Spain in 1994 and FCA in 1996, working in marketing and as a project & product manager in Spain, UK, Poland and Germany. Between 2000 and 2005, he was Sales and Marketing Director at FCA Bank in Greece, and then Country Manager for six years. In 2012, he returned to Italy as Group Head of Sales and Marketing. Within FCA Bank, he also held the position of Country Manager in Switzerland before becoming the Group CEO in July 2014.

Giacomo Carelli holds a master’s degree in Economics and Business from La Sapienza University in Rome (Rome I), a postgraduate diploma in marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing at the University of West London and an Msc in Accounting and Finance from the Athens University of Economics. He also holds the title of CPA in Italy

Session Details:

Panel discussion: How to maximise profitability with new models and leasing structures?

2022-10-20, 1:10 PM

Session Details:

Discovering how electromobility and other mobility solutions can allow everybody to drive green without ownership

2022-10-20, 11:30 AM

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Klaus Entenmann
Chairman of the Board, Mercedes-Benz Auto Finance

Session Details:

The evolving relationship between financial services and the real economy

2022-10-20, 9:00 AM

Session Details:

Panel discussion: What does the year ahead look like for the auto finance industry faced with a changing market?

2022-10-20, 10:40 AM

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Niklas Fehrm
Chief Revenue Officer,Scrive

Niklas Fehrm is the Chief Revenue Officer at Scrive. He has a solid experience with driving change, growth and revenue by creating structure, clear objectives and customer-centric cultures with the opportunity for people to challenge and add value for customers. With Scrive’s deep connections with the world of automotive finance, Niklas has had the pleasure of working with some of the biggest brands in the industry, helping them deliver better service, securely and efficiently. Niklas is a former athlete and coach with a degree in psychology and economics, and is using his theoretical insights and knowledge by turning strategy into sales effectiveness.

Session Details:

Closing panel: Key takeaways of the day – what did we learn today?

2022-10-20, 5:30 PM

Session Details:

Future potential of digitalisation

2022-10-20, 4:30 PM

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Ross Oliver
Director of EMEA Operations,Quiktrak

Ross is Director of EMEA Operations at Quiktrak, a Bureau Veritas company. He aids lenders to digitalise the process involved in inspecting assets and auditing stock, reporting on dealer behaviour and adapting to varying global and regional market conditions.

Session Details:

Closing panel: Key takeaways of the day – what did we learn today?

2022-10-20, 5:30 PM

Session Details:

Sustainable Risk Mitigation

2022-10-20, 5:10 PM

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Head Of ICT, FCA Bank

Luca Pollano is Head of ICT, Digital and Data Governance in FCA Bank and Leasys. He has a deep knowledge of Automotive, Financial Services and Mobility Services sectors.

Session Details:

Leveraging digital onboarding to boost international core business

2022-10-20, 11:50 AM

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Leonardo Piva
Business Development Director,CRIF

Passionate of data and addicted to results, my goal is to help customers to reach outstanding benefits from digital transformation embracing new technologies thanks to a business education background of more than 20 years of experience in Data Driven and Artificial Intelligence companies in sales and marketing area.

Session Details:

Mobile… Digital… How to digitalize car lending

2022-10-20, 12:10 PM

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Stefan Schetter
Sales Director Special Accounts and Automotive,CRIF

Stefan Schetter is a proven expert in the field of finance. The graduate engineer has been working in the financial sector for almost 20 years. After working for SHS Viveon and Experian, he joined CRIF GmbH as Sales Director Special Accounts and Automotive. In his position at CRIF, Stefan Schetter is mainly responsible for the areas of risk management, system and process solutions for the financial sector and KYC.

Session Details:

Mobile… Digital… How to digitalize car lending

2022-10-20, 12:10 PM

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2022 Awards

Motor Finance Europe Awards 2022: Winners revealed

The winners of the Motor Finance Europe Conference and Awards 2022 were handed gongs during an evening gala event in Berlin at the Ritz-Carlton on 20 October.


Nominations for Motor Finance Europe Awards 2023 will open soon. 



Captive Finance Company of the Year
Daimler Truck Financial Services

Independent Finance Provider of the Year
Close Brothers Motor Finance

Non-Bank Lender of the Year
First Citizen Finance DAC

Advisory Firm of the Year

Legal Provider of the Year

Digital Innovation of the Year
FCA Bank

Digital Innovation of the Year (Technology Company)
AutoTrader (AutoConvert)

Best Finance Product of the Year
Ailleron AG

Best Pandemic Response Initiative
Close Brothers Motor Finance

Best Mobility Solution
Mobilize Financial Services

Best ‘ESG/Sustainability’ Initiative of the Year
FCA Bank


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Your health and safety comes first, which is why we are strictly adhering to the latest guidance of the World Health Organization (WHO), national governments and local health authorities to ensure measures that will safeguard our guests, the industry, and the larger community as a whole. We can do this together.

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Hand washing and sanitisation are easier and more accessible than ever at our events. You’ll find frequent sanitisation stations for disinfection and peace of mind.


Density requirements will be strictly measured, managed and adhered to while contactless registration and event applications will be offered to keep guests comfortable and safe, while minimising queuing and contact. Digital alternatives to business cards and brochures will be strongly encouraged.


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When needed, trace and contact guidelines will be utilised while adhering to local privacy regulations. When our sponsors, exhibitors, speakers and attendees come together to learn, network and do business, we want to ensure that they do so safely and confidently.

We’re looking forward to a secure, healthy and fun future for events in 2022 and beyond!

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The Arena Events Team


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Events Director

+44 (0) 20 7936 6512


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Conference Producer

+44 (0) 20 4540 7545