Arena International is proud to announce the launch of the 7th Edition of Outsourcing in Clinical Trials Handbook.
This in-depth look into key challenges within outsourcing and operations will become the go-to reference guide for clinical trial professionals in 2024. Please read the 2024 edition here.
This OCT Handbook will cover an array of topics from Pharma’s role in the climate crisis, navigating uncertainty through the demands and challenges of recent years, to industry viewpoints and growing pains. We will also look at diversity and inclusion within clinical trials as well as groundbreaking adoption of innovative technology and the future of clinical trials.
This edition includes chapters on key industry themes including Clinical Operations & Outsourcing; Medical Device; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; and the latest in Technology & Data Management.
Comprising industry-written insights and specialist analysis, the handbook also includes a comprehensive supplier directory, providing readers with a one-stop shop for sourcing vendors to meet their operational needs. With this and so much more inside from our sponsors, we hope you enjoy the latest edition in Arena’s growing handbook series.
Articles you won’t want to miss include:
- Dynamic Partnerships: Reshaping Outsourcing Models to Empower Small
- Rare diseases, clinical trial research, and global demographic population changes present complex challenges in healthcare.
- The Applications and Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Devices