Next Generation Nicotine Delivery USA 2022

22 - 23


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The leading event to connect the nicotine industry to drive a strong future in tobacco and nicotine derived products by aligning strategic priorities to achieve new heights in consumer reach and profitability






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  • 22 Jun 2022
  • 23 Jun 2022
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7 AM

Registration 2

7:30 AM

Registration 1

  • agenda testing

8 AM

Registration and refreshments

8:50 AM

Chair’s opening remarks

9 AM

The U.S Market in Regulatory Limbo: How Did We Get Here and Where Is It Going?


Tony Abboud
Executive Director, Vapor Technology Association

9:30 AM

Connect to The Possibilities of Your Products

  • Current status of the PMTA process for alternative nicotine products
  • How and why so many flavored ENDS PMTAs were denied by FDA
  • The importance of synthetic nicotine products to the marketplace
  • What leadership changes at FDA mean for the industry
  • Concerns with FDA’s current regulatory trajectory
  • What FDA needs to do to create an orderly and regulated marketplace


Tessa Eastman
Connected Products Strategist, Markem-Imaje

10 AM

Panel Discussion: How to Tackle the Complications of Innovative Nicotine Product Development

  • What does digital transformation mean for vape industry?
  • Why has COVID-19 made digitalization more important than ever?
  • How can connectivity and data increase your productivity, secure your supply chain, and build brand loyalty?


Dr. Jenna Guynn
Director, Scientific & Regulatory Affairs, Reynolds American Inc.
Jon Glauser
Co-Founder And Chief Strategy Officer, Demand Vape
Samy Hamdouche
Co-founder and COO, Lucy Goods Inc.
Mark Dempsey
Senior Consulting Director –Consumer, Global

10:30 AM

Morning Refreshments & Networking

  • How to effectively design nicotine products that meet the FDA regulation standards
  • How to improve your nicotine product in light of FDA regulations
  • Discussing the technical challenges around the development of less harmful nicotine products (i.e., chemical standards, protocol, product qualification and evaluation of the product)
  • How to properly brand, market and release innovative nicotine products that meet the PMTA regulations

11 AM

Revolutionizing Nicotine for a Tobacco Free World


Derek Yach
Dr. William Jackson, PhD

12 PM

Approaches to Tobacco Harm Reduction via a Heated Tobacco Product Case Study

  • Origin of SyNicâ„¢ S-Nicotine
  • What is SyNicâ„¢ and how is it manufactured?
  • SyNicâ„¢ as a disruptive technology
  • Unique Benefits of SyNicâ„¢ in the PMTA process


Dr. Jenna Guynn
Director, Scientific & Regulatory Affairs, Reynolds American Inc.

12:30 PM

Achieving Tobacco Harm Reduction Through a Controlled Off-Ramping Journey

  • Introduction to Tobacco Harm Reduction
  • Heated Tobacco Product (HTP): Principles & Background
  • Assessing the risk profile of HTPs
  • Smoker migration to HTPs across the globe
  • Exploring the regulatory approaches in the US


Dr. Tony Jones

1 PM

Lunch & Networking

  • Smokers have a wide range of options to start their off-ramping journey and not all journeys lead to a tobacco-free end point
  • E-cigarettes have been demonstrated to be more effective in promoting smoking cessation compared to NRT and medication when options for heavy smokers, or lower nicotine flavored products for switching are available
  • But limits on globally available nicotine strengths may hinder that first step in smoking cessation for heavy smokers, and restrictions on lower nicotine strength flavored products may limit switching behavior
  • Significant harm reduction can be achieved by manufacturers offering licensed products over 20mg/ml as a first step in de-escalating nicotine dose to consumers sub 20mg/ml levels
  • The creation of bespoke off-ramping journeys for smokers, with medical supervision during the doses most often associated with abuse liability provides new impactful opportunities in the global market and provides smokers with a more effective means to stop smoking

2 PM

The Harm Reduction Potential of Oral Tobacco Derived Nicotine Products


Elizabeth Becker
Senior Director, Altria

2:30 PM

Navigating Evolving Vaping Laws Around the Country — State Law Update

  • Altria’s approach to harm reduction
  • Evidence supporting the reduced risk potential of OTDNs (e.g., reduced harmful and potential harmful constituents compared to cigarette and smokeless tobacco)
  • OTDN products as a viable substitute for adult tobacco consumers
  • Importance of accurate product communications to adult tobacco consumers


Daniel P. McGee
Counsel, Keller And Heckman LLP

2:45 PM

Fighting Counterfeits: Setting up a Successful Anti-Counterfeit Department

  • Current Trends in State Vaping Laws
  • Pre-emption in the Tobacco Control Act
  • States Enacting Flavor Bans
  • Recent Case Law Decisions Regarding Flavor Bans
  • On-Line Sales Restrictions &/or Prohibitions


Eric Hawk
Americas Regional Director – Anti-Illicit Trade, Corporate & Fiscal Affair, Japan Tobacco International

3:15 PM

Helping FDA Overcome its Fear of Flavors with Group Research

  • Examining the importance of a proper anti-illicit trade team
  • How to choose a service provider
  • Assessment of your brand / Counterfeit, do you have a problem? Eric Hawk will address ways to understand if you have a counterfeit issue, and help you identify where the issue may be
  • Creation of an action plan and strategy
  • Completing proper investigations with engagement
  • Evaluation and dissemination of information in the proper format for action
  • How to best document results and follow up


Damien Bove
Chief Regulatory Officer, ADACT Medical

3:45 PM

Afternoon Refreshments and Networking

  • Looking at the data gap when justifying non-tobacco flavors
  • A pathway for group research to tackle the flavors data gap
  • How companies can get the data then needed to support PMTA applications

4:15 PM

Panel Discussion: New Consumers on the Horizon: How has Consumer Culture Changed Since COVID-19


Mark Dempsey
Senior Consulting Director –Consumer, Global

4:45 PM

How Vaping Affects the Real World

  • In light of the pandemic, how to identify, target and aid consumers who want to quit combustible tobacco products, minimise risk and want to seek less harmful alternatives
  • Identifying the different types of new consumers, and how to best adapt to their habits, expectations and preferences
  • Understanding consumer culture in order to provide a better consumer experience


Allison Boughner
Marketing And Communications Director, ECIG Charleston And President, South Carolina Vapor Association

5:15 PM

Drinks Reception Hosted by eLiquiTech

5:15 PM

Chair’s Summary and Close of Day 1

7 AM

Registration 2

  • agenda for testing

7:45 AM

Registration 1

8:15 AM

Registration and Refreshments

8:50 AM

Chair’s Opening Remarks

9 AM

The US New Nicotine Landscape in 2022 and beyond

  • The Vape Market post-PMTA and how it is affected by the growth of disposables and synthetic nicotine
  • Assessing results from the most recent ECigIntelligence US Vape Store and US Consumer surveys
  • Evaluating scenarios for nicotine pouch growth and likely regulatory response
  • The Battle for the US Heated Tobacco Market: When will IQOS relaunch?


Tim Phillips
Managing Director, ECigIntelligence

9:30 AM


  • oundtable 1:
  • Interchangeability of Nicotine from any Source
  • Roundtable 2:
  • New Approaches to Tobacco Harm Reduction
  • Roundtable 3:
  • Brand Protection – A Case Study of The Worlds Fastest Growing Vape Company
  • • Chiral Methods of Synthesis to produce high EE S-Nicotine
  • • Understanding of Biologically Relevant Side Products
  • • Common Nicotine Specification based on FDA active ingredient guidance
  • • Plant-based versus Synthetic Nicotine
  • Vincent Angelico, Chief Scientific Officer, Accorto Regulatory Solutions
  • Thomas Beaudet, CEO, Accorto Regulatory Solutions
  • • Exploring the science of harm reduction, regulatory approaches, and technological innovations in nicotine work together.
  • • How reducing global dependence on tobacco can meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • • The United Nations has proposed SDG 3 to improve public health, most of which can be addressed by a reduction in tobacco use.
  • • The global crisis of 8 million tobacco-related deaths annually and 1 billion projected deaths this century may be prevented by science-based innovations, such as Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS), improved pharmaceutical Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRTs), and synthetically derived tobacco-free nicotine solutions
  • Martin Steinbauer, CEO, SMOOD
  • Derek Yach, MBChB MPH
  • • Case Study of an Anti-Counterfeiting and Youth Prevention Program
  • • Learn how Systech helped design and support anti-counterfeiting and youth prevention programs for one of the largest Vape companies in the world
  • • Understand Systech’s innovative technology that provides full traceability of devices and pods from overseas manufacturing through distribution across thousand of retail locations in the U.S
  • • Discuss the potential challenges in implementing an anti-counterfeiting and youth prevention program and how this industry leader overcame their bottlenecks
  • David DeJean, VP of Business Development and Commercial Success


10:30 AM

Morning Refreshments and Networking

11 AM

How to Remain Competitive Amid the Over-Saturation of Nicotine Alternative Products

  • Understanding where commercial opportunities lie within the nicotine industry despite the saturation of products
  • How to create competitive nicotine delivery devices and products that meet the standards of both the consumer and FDA regulations
  • How to leverage the pandemic led online channel to attract new consumers


David Renteln
Co-Founder And CEO, Lucy Goods

11:30 AM

What Synthetic Nicotine Means for the Future of Tobacco Products

  • Synthetic nicotine as a viable alternative for the marketplace
  • Why Synthetic Nicotine is important to the marketplace
  • Why FDA should embrace nicotine innovation
  • How FDA should address synthetic nicotine PMTAs


Tony Abboud
Executive Director, Vapor Technology Association
David Renteln
Co-Founder And CEO, Lucy Goods
George Cassels-Smith
CEO, Tobacco Technology, Inc.
Dr. David Johnson
PhD, President & Chief Scientific Officer, ELiquiTech, Inc.

12:30 PM

PMTA Amendments Could Save Your Business

  • Share information about the regulatory process for submitting PMTA amendments
  • Explasin how PMTA amendments increase your products likelihood of FDA authorization
  • Discuss strategies for using PMTA amendments to manage product testing costs


12:45 PM

Networking Lunch

1:45 PM

Quantifying ENDS use in the Population: The Importance of Brand and Device Specific Estimates of Use

  • A Premarket Tobacco Product Application (PMTA) must provide scientific data that demonstrates a new tobacco product is “Appropriate for the Protection of the Public Health” (APPH)
  • Determining whether marketing a new tobacco product is APPH includes evaluating the risks and benefits to the population as a whole
  • Device-specific data assessing the proportions of youth, young adults and older adults that have used each new tobacco product is important in allowing FDA to make a determination of whether a tobacco product is APPH
  • CSURs nationally representative, cross-sectional, annual survey of youth and adults in the United States can provide brand and device specific population use prevalence estimates
  • These data can support a PMTA application awaiting scientific review, fulfil post-market reporting requirements or re-submission following a Marketing Denial Order9



2:15 PM

Combating Youth Use of Nicotine Products & Why Disposable Vapes Have Gained Popularity Amongst Consumers

  • Examining why disposable vapes are currently the #1 choice amongst consumers in the U.S. and how that is played into youth use
  • Evaluating the extent to which the flavour ban in the US has impacted youth use of e-cigarettes
  • Exploring which measures businesses should put in place in order to reduce and stop the vast amount of youth smokers
  • Interpreting data to uncover reasons why the youth is attracted to tobacco and nicotine products


Patrick Beltran
CEO, Puff Bar


Select a speaker to learn more

Dr. Jenna Guynn
Director, Scientific & Regulatory Affairs, Reynolds American Inc.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How to Tackle the Complications of Innovative Nicotine Product Development

2022-06-22, 10:00 AM

Session Details:

Approaches to Tobacco Harm Reduction via a Heated Tobacco Product Case Study

2022-06-22, 12:00 PM

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Eric Hawk
Americas Regional Director – Anti-Illicit Trade, Corporate & Fiscal Affair, Japan Tobacco International

Session Details:

Fighting Counterfeits: Setting up a Successful Anti-Counterfeit Department

2022-06-22, 2:45 PM

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Tony Abboud
Executive Director, Vapor Technology Association

Tony Abboud is an attorney and government affairs expert who represents companies in the tobacco and vapor space and who serves as the Executive Director of the Vapor Technology Association (VTA) – the U.S. based trade association representing the vapor industry. Abboud was instrumental in founding, growing and leading this important national trade organization, which advocates for rational science-based regulations that will enable a diverse and robust nicotine products industry to thrive as well as promoting tobacco harm reduction policies. Abboud has extensive experience in law, public policy, government and politics. He has represented companies on legal and regulatory issues for more than 25 years, and has advised and consulted with companies in the tobacco and vapor industries on regulatory issues for more than a decade. Among many other things, as the Executive Director of VTA, he crafted VTA’s successful multi-faceted strategic campaign to stop President Trump’s vapor-only full flavor ban from being enacted in 2020. In his work as a state lobbyist, Abboud developed and implemented successful strategies for companies facing simultaneous multi-state legislative challenges in the vapor industry and in the tobacco industry. Abboud is recognized as a leading voice for essential regulations and a balanced discussion of vapor products. He is a frequent speaker at national symposiums and has been extensively quoted in the media, including national print, television and radio.

Abboud left the international law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP in 2010 to found his consulting firm, Strategic Government Solutions, which focuses on companies and associations in heavily regulated industries, including the tobacco and vapor industries. He has a unique blend of grassroots organizing, political campaign, governmental service, private sector representation and legal experiences to draw on when crafting effective lobbying and communications strategies. Tony lives near Chicago with his wife, a former Cook County prosecutor, and their three children. Tony earned his B.A. in Political Science from Carleton College in 1988 and his J.D. with distinction from the University of Iowa College of Law in 1994.

Session Details:

The U.S Market in Regulatory Limbo: How Did We Get Here and Where Is It Going?

2022-06-22, 9:00 AM

Session Details:

What Synthetic Nicotine Means for the Future of Tobacco Products

2022-06-23, 11:30 AM

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Allison Boughner
Marketing And Communications Director, ECIG Charleston And President, South Carolina Vapor Association

Session Details:

How Vaping Affects the Real World

2022-06-22, 4:45 PM

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Tim Phillips
Managing Director, ECigIntelligence

Tim Phillips is the Managing Director of Tamarind Intelligence, publisher of leading business intelligence services ECigIntelligence, CBD-Intel and TobaccoIntelligence. These independent market data and regulatory tracking and analysis services for the vape, CBD and tobacco-alternatives industries provide market-leading insights into the sectors they cover for clients ranging from governments and academic institutions to multinational companies and professional service providers.

Tim Phillips is a UK-qualified attorney, having worked at the European Commission, international law firm Herbert Smith, media companies BSkyB and AOL, and Betfair, where he worked in various legal and government relations roles as the company went through its IPO. He was also a partner in a New York venture capital-funded start-up in the diamond sector. Tim holds a postgraduate diploma in legal practice from the University of Law, London and a masters degree in geology from Oxford University. He has run for Tamarind Intelligence for the past 6 years.

Session Details:

The US New Nicotine Landscape in 2022 and beyond

2022-06-23, 9:00 AM

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Jon Glauser
Co-Founder And Chief Strategy Officer, Demand Vape

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How to Tackle the Complications of Innovative Nicotine Product Development

2022-06-22, 10:00 AM

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Matthew Nordgren
Founder & Partner, Arcadian Capital

Matthew Jason Nordgren is an ambitious executive, dedicated philanthropist, and accomplished athlete who brings a unique passion for creating strategic alliances. He brings breadth and depth of experience in finance, corporate development, and capital sourcing, as well as in building highly motivated teams of skilled professionals.

In 2005, Mr. Nordgren received his education at the University of Texas at Austin, while playing football for the Texas Longhorns football team.  As a quarterback on a National Championship winning team, he developed skills that would be carried through his lifetime and core business philosophies. While playing football on scholarship for The University of Texas, he was able to graduate with two degrees in less than four years and was accepted into and pursued a dual master’s degree program at the University of Dallas. After playing professionally briefly with the Detroit Lions and Philadelphia Eagles, Mr. Nordgren went on to earn two additional master’s degrees in both business and sports management from the University of Dallas. He was subsequently featured on the Bravo TV show “Most Eligible Dallas,” while becoming a partner in the family business, NORDCO, Inc., a Dallas-based energy firm.  This is also when he helped to develop, manage and build his first private equity/family office business with a sports and media focus which lead to a career in running various investment vehicles across a broad spectrum of strategies.

Throughout his career, Mr. Nordgren has been appointed to many executive leadership positions at a wide-ranging group of companies and industries. From real estate to sports and entertainment, from hospitality to insurance and financial services, from emerging industries to later stage leveraged buy outs, he is singularly focused on finding synergistic opportunities in early stage private growth rounds that have upside potential.  He is committed to successfully helping manage the overall financial state of his partners businesses and the companies with which he and his partners have interests within.

Mr. Nordgren is currently CEO and Founder of ARCADIAN Fund and ARCADIAN Capital Management, a venture fund/private equity strategy focused on the ancillary service providing companies in and around the cannabis and hemp industries.  More specifically, on Series A/B type opportunities where proven businesses are looking for growth equity to continue scaling into new markets.  He was recently name one of the “Top 100 Most Influential People in the Cannabis Industry” by High Times Magazine and ranked number 3 globally by Business Insider in terms of investment companies focused on the emerging cannabis and hemp sectors. Additionally, he is the founder of Nordco Consulting LLC, a private consulting firm dedicated to the business development of middle market companies with forward-thinking vision. To date, Mr. Nordgren has personally been involved with over $7 billion in transactions and maintains a portfolio of approximately 30 plus companies.

Next speaker
Samy Hamdouche
Co-founder and COO, Lucy Goods Inc.

Samy Hamdouche is a co-founder and Chief Operating Officer at Lucy. Prior to Lucy, he helped to build a number of companies in the biopharmaceuticals industry, including Avidity Biosciences and Kura Oncology. He is a scientist by training, and received his Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biophysics from Caltech.

David Renteln is a co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at Lucy. He started Lucy during his attempt to quit smoking, when he first became aware of what is now called the continuum of risk, and the public health potential of reduced harm products. Prior to Lucy, he was a co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Soylent, a nutrition and food technology company.

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How to Tackle the Complications of Innovative Nicotine Product Development

2022-06-22, 10:00 AM

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David Renteln
Co-Founder And CEO, Lucy Goods

Session Details:

What Synthetic Nicotine Means for the Future of Tobacco Products

2022-06-23, 11:30 AM

Session Details:

How to Remain Competitive Amid the Over-Saturation of Nicotine Alternative Products

2022-06-23, 11:00 AM

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Mark Dempsey
Senior Consulting Director –Consumer, Global

Mark brings over 20 years experience in the foodservice, retail and FMCG sectors to GlobalData.  Mark joined the GlobalData team in 2017 following 5 years living in Canada where he was an insights leader for PepsiCo and strategy consulting leader for the NPD group.   In his role at GlobalData, Mark brings bold thought-leadership to global partners across the manufacturer, retailer and distributor segments; always striving to find new ways to create growth by positively influencing shopper behaviour.

Mark brings significant FMCG knowledge and expertise to the conference having led research around the world on topics from shopper segmentation, to category market sizing to innovation planning and the study of global best practices.

Mark will be chairing the conference whilst sharing his views on the changing nature of next generation product offerings, the demands and expectations of today’s consumer, and the innovations and trends that will shape the future…

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: How to Tackle the Complications of Innovative Nicotine Product Development

2022-06-22, 10:00 AM

Session Details:

Panel Discussion: New Consumers on the Horizon: How has Consumer Culture Changed Since COVID-19

2022-06-22, 4:15 PM

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Social Links:

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George Cassels-Smith
CEO, Tobacco Technology, Inc.

George Cassels-Smith is the CEO of Tobacco Technology, Inc., e-LiquiTech and Emerald Green
Technology. He was appointed TTI CEO in 2003 after a successful run in Sales and as its Senior
Vice President. A hands-on CEO, George focuses on the future of nicotine delivery.

Having literally grown up in the tobacco industry, George accompanied his father (TTI founder
Duke Cassels-Smith) to tobacco auctions as a child. He is a 1992 graduate of the University of
Maryland and holds a B.S. in Business Administration. He has worked in the industry his entire
career in purchasing, flavor development and sales. George’s first formal job in the tobacco
industry came as a leaf buyer for Dannemann (part of the Burger Söhne Group) based in Cruz das
Salmas, Bahia, Brazil in the early 90's. After moving back to the US he worked for Hail and
Cotton before joining the family business, Tobacco Technology, Inc.

George has taken Tobacco Technology, Inc from a traditional tobacco flavoring company to a
state-of-the-art scientific and innovative enterprise while expanding its focus beyond tobacco; in
2016 he started E-LiquiTech, a subsidiary dedicated to developing and manufacturing premium
quality e-liquids. This year he established his newest endeavor, Emerald Green Technology. This
TTI subsidiary is dedicated to taking the cannabinoid industry to new and higher levels.
George remains focused on the future of the industry while dedicating time and resources to
provide cleaner nicotine delivery alternatives.

Session Details:

What Synthetic Nicotine Means for the Future of Tobacco Products

2022-06-23, 11:30 AM

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Dr. Anthony Jones
Managing Consultant, Toxicology,Broughton

Dr. Antony Jones is a managing consultant at Broughton with over twenty-two years of multidisciplinary consulting experience preparing and critically assessing a broad range of toxicological, microbial and epidemiological studies. Dr. Jones has conducted human health risk assessments of multiple Electronic Nicotine Delivery systems (ENDS) and other tobacco products for inclusion in FDA Pre-Market Tobacco Applications (PMTA). He also has experience conducting ecological and microbial risk assessments, preparing regulatory submissions and communicating results to clients, community stakeholders and governmental agencies.

Next speaker
Elizabeth Becker
Senior Director, Altria

Elizabeth Becker serves as a Senior Director in Population Science within the Regulatory Sciences organization at Altria Client Services. In this role, she leads a team of scientists who conduct tobacco perception and behavior research in support of regulatory submissions to the FDA.

Previously, Elizabeth served as Director, Corporate Responsibility for Altria Client Services where she was accountable for strategies and programs including environmental sustainability and underage tobacco prevention. Since joining the Altria family of companies in 2005, Elizabeth has held a variety of corporate affairs, innovation, and corporate responsibility roles within Altria Client Services.

Elizabeth received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University and her M.B.A. from the University of Massachusetts.

Session Details:

The Harm Reduction Potential of Oral Tobacco Derived Nicotine Products

2022-06-22, 2:00 PM

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Session Details:

Revolutionizing Nicotine for a Tobacco Free World

2022-06-22, 11:00 AM

Session Details:

PMTA Amendments Could Save Your Business

2022-06-23, 12:30 PM

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Daniel P. McGee
Counsel, Keller And Heckman LLP

Session Details:

Navigating Evolving Vaping Laws Around the Country — State Law Update

2022-06-22, 2:30 PM

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Damien Bove
Chief Regulatory Officer, ADACT Medical

Session Details:

Helping FDA Overcome its Fear of Flavors with Group Research

2022-06-22, 3:15 PM

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Andrea Patton, PhD is a Senior Behavioural Epidemiologist who leads the prevalence research team within the Centre for Substance Use Research Ltd (CSUR), Glasgow, United Kingdom. Andrea has over 15 years of experience working in public health in the United Kingdom for academia, regulatory bodies and industry.

Session Details:

Quantifying ENDS use in the Population: The Importance of Brand and Device Specific Estimates of Use

2022-06-23, 1:45 PM

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Derek Yach

Derek Yach is a global public health leader with deep experience based on years of work for WHO, leading corporations including PepsiCo, investment funds, academia (as Professor of Global Health at Yale), and not-for-profit organizations such as the Rockefeller and Smoke Free Foundations. His focus in these diverse settings has been to lead initiatives with impact on chronic diseases and their risks, and on mental health. Looking forward, he believes that governments, industry and investors need to give far greater focus to the health of adults as the pandemic recedes if we are to build more resilient and productive populations. He has focused on ways to implement harm reduction strategies within the context of substance abuse, tobacco control and food and nutrition policy. He has degrees in medicine and public health.

Session Details:

Revolutionizing Nicotine for a Tobacco Free World

2022-06-22, 11:00 AM

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Dr. William Jackson
Director Of Development And Manufacturing, Zanoprima Lifesciences, Ltd

Dr. William Jackson, PhD is a chemist who studied at Imperial College and MIT. Subsequently, he worked for 10 years in medicinal chemistry research followed by 10 years developing processes in the generic pharmaceutical industry. Since 2000 Dr. Jackson has been working in contract R&D for a variety of clients and, since 2017, with he has worked with Zanoprima Lifesciences, where he is now the Director of Development and Manufacturing.

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Tessa Eastman
Connected Products Strategist, Markem-Imaje

Tessa works closely with clients to enhance their productivity, protect their products and build loyalty with customers by designing industry 4.0 and connected packaging strategies. Due to her significant contributions in this area, she received the award for Digital Growth and Innovation from Dover Corporation in 2020. She sits on the Board of Directors of the Customer Experience Graduate Program at Seton Hall University, New Jersey; and holds an MBA in Finance from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan.

Session Details:

Connect to The Possibilities of Your Products

2022-06-22, 9:30 AM

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2022-06-23, 9:30 AM

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Dr. David Johnson
PhD, President & Chief Scientific Officer, ELiquiTech, Inc.

Session Details:

What Synthetic Nicotine Means for the Future of Tobacco Products

2022-06-23, 11:30 AM

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Patrick Beltran
CEO, Puff Bar

Session Details:

Combating Youth Use of Nicotine Products & Why Disposable Vapes Have Gained Popularity Amongst Consumers

2022-06-23, 2:15 PM

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Dr. William Jackson, PhD

Session Details:

Revolutionizing Nicotine for a Tobacco Free World

2022-06-22, 11:00 AM

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Dr. Tony Jones

Session Details:

Achieving Tobacco Harm Reduction Through a Controlled Off-Ramping Journey

2022-06-22, 12:30 PM

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Session Details:

Panel Discussion: New Consumers on the Horizon: How has Consumer Culture Changed Since COVID-19

2022-06-22, 4:15 PM

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