Joe Codd is the Business Development Director at Veon, a forestry consultancy company, who are involved with a range of forestry projects, including reforestation projects worldwide, reporting on timber industries and their macro and micro trends, portfolio acquisition due diligence, feasibility and market studies, ESG and CSR projects with corporates trying to reduce their carbon footprints. With 15 years’ experience, Joe leads sales and client-relationship management, tracking new markets and emerging trends, recommending new products and services, proposing and developing new strategic partnerships, and guiding long-term objectives to meet business needs and requirements. He is also responsible for forest portfolio acquisitions for institutional and domestic investors and some of the largest family wealth offices in Europe. Joe currently sits on the Board of the Society of Irish Foresters as a technical councillor and also the Board of Forestry Careers Ireland. Joe holds a B.Agr.Sc. in Forestry from University College Dublin and Dip.Sc. in Forestry from W.I.T.
Joe Codd