Vanja Vlajnic is a Bayer Science Fellow and Sr. Manager within the Statistics and Data Insights function, supporting the late-stage cardiovascular franchise at Bayer. He is the co-lead of the Biostatistics Innovation Center Data Mining group and is highly involved in developing strategies for the analysis of high-dimensional data in the clinical space. Vanja has a Master’s of Applied Statistics from Penn State University, a Master’s of Experimental Psychology with a focus in Behavioral Neuroscience from Seton Hall University, and is a Ph.D. candidate in Systems Engineering with a focus on Biomedical Engineering from Colorado State University. He has published in the areas of machine learning applications to clinical data, causal learning and causal inference, clinical assessment tools in schizophrenia, and visual perception. He is a member of the IDSWG AI subteam, Phi Beta Kappa, the American Statistical Association, and the Vision Sciences Society.
Vanja Vlajnic